
This repo contains info on all the apps / tools / settings I use on my Mac.

Primary LanguageShell

My Mac Setup

This repo contains info on all the apps / tools / settings I use on my Mac.

What Macbook do I have?

I am using 2023 16" Macbook Pro. This setup works exactly the same on there.

These are the specs at a glance:

  • Apple M2 Pro
  • 32GB RAM
  • 1TB SSD

Read more about this Macbook here

Homebrew / Terminal / Shell


Homebrew allows us to install tools and apps from the command line.

To install it, open up the built in Terminal app and run this command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

This will also install the xcode build tools which is needed by many other developer tools.

After Homebrew is done installing, we will use it to install everything else we need.


The first app I install is to replace the built in Terminal.

I prefer iTerm2 because:

  • Nice window chrome
  • Lots of customization options
  • Clickable links
  • Native OS notifications

Quick aside - "window chrome" is another term for the basic structural elements used in a graphical user interface, such as window frames and scroll bars, as opposed to the content. After having a few people review this, I realize not everyone knows / uses that term 😅

There are a lot of options for a terminal replacement, but I've been using iTerm2 for years and it works great for my needs.

Checkout their documentation for more info on what iTerm2 can do: https://iterm2.com/documentation.html

We install this using a Homebrew "cask". Casks are full applications, similar to what you would install from the App store.

brew install iterm2

Once installed, launch it and customize the settings / preferences to your liking. These are my preferred settings:

  • Appearance
    • Theme
      • Minimal
  • Profiles
    • Default
      • General -> Working Directory -> Reuse previous session's directory
      • Colors -> Basic Colors -> Foreground -> Lime Green
      • Text -> Font -> Anonymous Pro
        • You can download this font here.
        • I use this font in VS Code as well
      • Text -> Font Size -> 36
      • Keys -> Key Mappings -> Presets -> Natural Text Editing


Mac now comes with zsh as the default shell. bash is my preferred shell.

I prefer bash because every remote linux machine I log into uses bash. Also, most shell scripts you come across (.sh files) are meant to be run on sh (Bourne shell) or bash (Bourne again shell). These files might run on zsh, but there might be some compatibility issues.

If you are a beginner, you probably don't need to replace your shell with bash. If you're going to stick with zsh, checkout Oh My Zsh which gives you a bunch of customizations out of the box.

Install Bash and set it as the default

To see what shell is currently your default, run:

echo $SHELL

To install the latest version of bash:

brew install bash

Then, determine where bash got installed:

which bash

This will likely print /usr/local/bin/bash.

We now need to add this to our /etc/shells file so we can set it as our default shell.

Open up the /etc/shells file in nano (a command line text editor) with super user privileges (you will need to type your password after running this command):

sudo nano /etc/shells

Command explained:

  • sudo is a way of running a command with super user privileges.
  • nano is an easy to use command line editor. As opposed to vi or vim.
  • /etc/shells is the file we need to edit / update.

This will launch a command line editor. Add /usr/local/bin/bash to the file above the other list of shells.

Press CTRL+X to close the file and then Y to confirm / save the changes.

Now that /usr/local/bin/bash is in our /etc/shells file, we can set it as our default shell (you will need to enter your password for this command as well):

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

Now that you've changed your shell, if you open up a new iTerm2 tab or close / re-open iTerm2, you should be presented with a bash shell!

You can run the following to confirm you shell has changed:

echo $SHELL

Customizing Bash with .bash_profile

I have a custom .bash_profile with all of my custom settings including a customized prompt, aliases, PATH variables, colors and more.

If you do not want to go through the process of customizing your .bash_profile, you can install Oh My Bash to get a ton of customizations out of the box.

I store my .bash_profile on github here so I can copy it over to any machine I'm setting up.

Copy this file (or create your own) in your home directory:

cd ~
curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Livepixelz/42eb5debeff0f7597b69dce7d96d1871/raw/1e70be07ee67056b894688cae8b8642ea6bfc868/.bash_profile

Commands used by my .bash_profile

  • vcprompt - list the current branch if in a folder that is a git repo
  • fortune - print a random quote / story / joke / poem.
  • cowsay - use a cowfile to say a random fortune
brew install vcprompt
brew install fortune
brew install cowsay

Install the latest version of git

My Mac came with git version 2.32.1, we can use brew to install the latest version of git:

git --version
brew install git

Open a new tab / window to start using the latest version:

git --version

Configure git with your name / email and preferred editor:

git config --global user.name livepixelz

git config --global user.email livepixelz@email.com

git config --global core.editor nano

Other command line tools I use

  • ffmpeg - edit videos from the command line
  • imagemagick - edit images from the command line
brew install ffmpeg
brew install imagemagick

OS Productivity

Window Management / Quick Launching

I know this feature is built in to a lot of other operating systems, but it is not built in to a Mac, so we need an app for it. The built in spotlight search is a bit slow for me and usually has web search results as the default instead of apps or folders on my machine.

I use raycast(https://www.raycast.com/) to move and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts.

brew install raycast

App Switching

The built in App switcher only shows application icons, and only shows 1 icon per app regardless of how many windows you have open in that app.

I use an app switcher called AltTab. It shows full window previews, and has an option to show a preview for every open window in all applications (even minimized ones).

I replace the built-in CMD+TAB shortcut with AltTab.

brew install alt-tab

Other Apps I Use Daily

You can install them in one go by placing them all into a text file and then running brew install:

xargs brew install < apps.txt

OS Settings

These are my preferred settings for Finder and the Dock.


  • Finder -> Preferences
    • General -> Show these on the desktop -> Select None
      • I try to keep my desktop completely clean.
    • General -> New Finder windows show -> Home Folder
      • I prefer to see my home folder in each new finder window instead of recent documents
    • Advanced -> Show all filename extensions -> Yes
    • Advanced -> Show warning before changing an extension -> No
    • Advanced -> When performing a search -> Search the current folder
  • View
    • Show Status Bar
    • Show Path Bar
    • Show Tab Bar


I don't use the Dock at all. It takes up screen space, and I can use Alfred to launch apps and AltTab to switch between apps. I make the dock as small as possible and auto hide it.

  • System Preferences
    • Dock & Menu Bar
      • Size -> Small as possible
      • Position on screen -> Right
      • Automatically hide and show the Dock -> Yes

Menu Bar Customization

System Stats Widgets

I like to see my network traffic, CPU temp / usage and RAM usage at a glance.

I used to use iStat Menus, but a few people in my twitch chat pointed me to stats, a FOSS menu bar stats app. I tried it out, and I like it so far.

In each widget, a key setting to look for is under "widget settings", choose "merge widgets into one".

brew install stats

Menu Bar Calendar

I like to have a calendar in the menu bar that I can quickly look at. stats does not include one, so I found itsycal. It seems fine for my needs.

brew install itsycal

itsycal shows the date, so I hide the date in the system menu bar widget:

  • System Preferences
    • Dock & Menu Bar
      • Clock
        • Show Date -> Never
        • Show Day of Week -> No

Note Taking

There are likely a million other better options, but I have used Sublime Text as a note taking app for years now. I essentially use it as a staging area before moving my notes into a more permanent place (Google Docs, Google Keep, Trello, actual code project READMES etc.) or I delete the note (close the tab) after it has served its purpose.

I use sublime because it allows me to open new tabs / files without the need to save a given file. I can have several tabs / staging areas open and then completely close sublime. When I open it back up, all of my tabs are still there.

Web Browser


I use Firefox because it is open source and comes from the Mozilla Foundation, a non profit company that respects my privacy.

I use the following extensions to protect my privacy while browsing the web:

  • Adblocker - uBlock Origin
  • Tracker Blocker - Privacy Badger
    • Firefox now includes tracker blocking, but I leave Privacy Badger enabled.
  • Cookie Autodelete
    • Removes cookies from websites that are not in my whitelist whenever a tab is closed. An additional precaution to tracker blocking.
  • Decentraleyes
    • Caches CDN links locally and intercepts requests to serve from the cache. Prevents CDNs from tracking you across websites.


I use nvm to manage the installed versions of Node.js on my machine. This allows me to easily switch between Node.js versions depending on the project I'm working in.

See installation instructions here.

OR run this command (make sure v0.39.1 is still the latest)

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

After installation you'll want to add the following to your .bash_profile / .zshrc etc.

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ## This loads nvm

Now that nvm is installed, you can install a specific version of node.js and use it:

nvm install 18
nvm use 18
node --version

Global Modules

There are a few global node modules I use a lot:

  • lite-server
    • Auto refreshing static file server. Great for working on static apps with no build tools.
  • license
    • Auto generate open source license files
  • gitignore
    • Auto generate .gitignore files base on the current project type
npm install -g lite-server license gitignore

VS Code

VS Code is my preferred code editor.

You can view all of my VS Code settings / extensions here.

2 of the most notable settings are:

  "editor.linkedEditing": true,
  "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
  • editor.linkedEditing
    • Automatically edit a closing tag when editing an opening tag
  • editor.snippetSuggestions
    • Puts the most relevant auto complete options at the top

Break Timer

I use an app called Time Out.

I have it setup to show:

  • 10 second micro break every 15 minutes
  • 5 minute long break every 60 minutes

There is also a cross platform break timer call Stretchly. I have not used it but a lot of people have recommended it.