
A discord bot that monitors the status of IBC clients and the balances of the relayer wallets of a blockchain from the Cosmos ecosystem.

  • Requires the Discord python module, install with python3 -m pip install Other packages are present by default.
  • Alerts are sent to a configurable Discord channel, mentioning roles/people or not, when the last update of a client happened more than 80% of its trusting period ago (by default, can be modified).
  • E.g. if the trusting period is 51800 seconds and the last update (manual update or simply a processed IBC transaction) occurred over 41440 seconds ago. It means that in 10360 seconds the client will expire, therefore one should manually update it.
  • The bot can be queried from within the Discord channel by passing the following commands:
    • $data will return the list of clients and their current status.
    • $wallets will return the list of the monitored wallets and their balance.
  • Wallet balances alerts are configurable and work on a subscription basis:
    • Operators can register by running $register wallet_address chain_id alert_threshold in the bot channel.
    • Example : $register cosmos1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx theta-testnet-1 2 means that the user will be notified when the balance of this wallet falls below 2 ATOM on the Cosmos testnet.
    • The notification message will tag the user.
    • The wallet monitoring data is stored in, which will be created if it doesn't exist.
    • A wallet can be deregistered so that its balance is no longer checked with the command $deregister <wallet>.
  • Run $help to view the available commands, and $help <command> to get information about a specific command.
  • When the bot first runs, it will scan all the clients including the expired ones. These are stored in so that they are skipped in the following checks. If a client is reactived through governance, either update or delete this file and restart the bot.

Deployment & Configuration

The bot must be added in your own Discord account, then deployed in your server.

  • Log in at and click on New Application on the top right.
  • Give it a name and click on Create
  • In the Bot menu entry, click on Reset Token and confirm (you may need to enter a code if you enable 2FA).
  • Copy this token and do not lose it. You can already save it in for the bot_token value.
  • in the OAuth2 menu, scroll down to OAuth2 URL Generator and tick the applications.commands and bot checkboxes. Then below, tick the Send Messages and Slash Commands checkboxes.
  • The latter allows the bot help to be available for selection when typing "/" (autocompletion).
  • Open the URL that appeared at the bottom of the page, select the Discord server where you want to add the bot, and click on Authorize
  • Now go to your Discord server, right-click on the channel where the bot should write and click on Edit --> Add members or roles --> Select the bot.
  • Select the Integrations menu item --> Webhooks --> New Webhook --> Select it and click on Copy Webhook URL.
  • Save this webhook as the value for the discord_webhook item in This allows the bot to send messages in this channel.

  • In

    • Once you have filled out the discord webhook url and bot token, you can define which users/roles will be tagged in the bot messages by updating the value of role_id item.
    • It is recommended but not mandatory to also provide the "guild id", which is the server id : right-click on the server icon, and Copy Server ID. This is to facilitate adding the bot help to the / autocompletion.
    • Right-click on a user and click on Copy User ID, or click on a user and right-click on one of its roles then on Copy Role ID.
    • An ID looks like 972778865355272194
    • Add these IDs in the role_id item, following the syntax:
      • For a role: <@&972778865355272194>
      • For a user: <@972778865355272194>
      • You can add multiple roles and IDs by separating them with a space: role_id = <@&972778865355272194> <@951374414451187732>"
      • Leave blank to tag no one.
    • monitored_chains is a dictionary whose keys are the chain_id and the values are a list.
      • the value can either be a list of connections to check, e.g. ['connection-0', 'connection-5'], or an empty list []
      • in this case, all the connections of the concerned chain will be checked.
      • the process will abort if there are more than 300 connections to check (on the cosmos testnet, there are nearly 3000).
      • if this happens, update the list to limit the scan to specific connections.
    • rest_servers is a dictionary, with items in the form:
      • {'chain_id': 'theta-testnet-001', 'api': '', 'chain_name': 'COSMOS', 'exponent': 6, 'denom': 'uatom', 'full_denom': 'ATOM'}
      • The exponent is the number of decimals of a token: 1 ATOM = 10**6 uatom.
      • it must contain an item for each counterpart chain to be able to verify the client. If one is missing, the concerned clients won't be checked.
    • The bot will update its data every 6 hours by default. You can adjust this value by changing the update_frequency item.
  • Run with python3, preferably as a systemd service containing for example:

Description=IBC clients monitor + discord bot

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /etc/IBC-Client-Monitor/

ExecStop=/bin/kill -9 $MAINPID
