Living Documentation by design, with Domain-Driven Design - by Cyrille Martraire(@cyriux).
Living Documentation : vous allez aimer la documentation ! - by Cyrille Martraire, Devoxx France 2016.
La boite à outils pour une Living Documentation - by Benoit Prioux, BDX/IO 2016.
[SC] Living Documentation - by Sébastien Fauvel, BreizhCamp 2020.
Architecture Hexagonale Level 2: Comment bien écrire vos tests (22m58s - 27m30s) - Spring Rest Docs AsciiDoc - HTTP snippets generated from tests - by Julien Topçu & Jordan Nourry, BDX I/O 2019.
Generate your adoc module/application configuration instead of maintaining it manually - by Romain Manni-Bucau.
cucumber - A framework to integrate BDD in your project with multiple language implementation.
cukedoctor - A cucumber plugin for better reporting.
asciidoctor - A fast text processor & publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook & more.
gherkin - Business Readable, Domain Specific Language used by cucumber.
Elixir ExUnit.DocTest - Allows to generate executable tests from examples in code documentation.
Rust Documentation Tests - Allows running your documentation examples as tests.
https://github.com/Arnauld/tzatziki - Cucumber documentation generation tools.
https://www.picklesdoc.com/ - An open source living documentation generator.
dot-diagram - A java library to generate dot diagram.
plantuml-viewer - Chrome plugin to visualize image representation of plantuml syntax.
qdox - A java library to parse code, useful to generate code based documentation.
depgraph - A maven plugin to generate dependencies graph.
https://gist.github.com/javathought/b9ad1e34047ad99a96fed6fce0016e68 - A Notepad++ syntax highlighting for Gherkin with en,fr keywords.
https://github.com/bflorat/modele-da - An AsciiDoc starting point for technical achitecture document artifact (French)