
SetLivoxLidarPointCloudCallBack does not sample. How can I obtain all point cloud data for each frame?

Waynepoo opened this issue · 3 comments

I am currently working with the Livox Lidar Quick Start project, and I have a question regarding the SetLivoxLidarPointCloudCallBack function.

In my setup, I am using the callback function PointCloudCallback, and I have observed that data->dot_num only provides 96 sample points. However, I am interested in obtaining the complete set of points for a single frame

I think for that you can have a look how its done in the livox_ros_driver2, there the points are collected in a queue (in the OnLivoxLidarPointCloudCallback function) and a timer (running with e.g. 10 Hz) is then taking all the collected points and publishes them on a rostopic.

Hi, do u find the way to get pointcloud data for each frame? I have the same problem