
A development kit to read point cloud and display 3D target bounding boxes for the livox dataset

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Livox_dataset_v1.0 devkit

The development kit provides a version of ROS-based livox point cloud reading and 3D target bounding box display node.


  • ROS
  • cmake
  • python3.6+


  1. Install ROS according to ros_installation

  2. Put the two provided nodes under the catkin_ws directory you created

$ mkdir catkin_ws
$ cp -r ./src ./catkin_ws


  1. Put the provided pcd_getname.py file in the root directory of livox_dataset_v1.0.
  2. Get the file name list of the point cloud pcd file and the corresponding image file name list. Firstly create a new file 'namelist.txt' in the same directory of 'pcd_getname.py', and input the target folder name, for example 'data4_2020_05_11', then
$ python pcd_getname.py

It will generate the files containing the names of pcd and images of 'data4_2020_05_11' in the corresponding folders. 3. Change pcd_anno_read_node.cpp and pcd_single_read_node.cpp root path according to your storage path of livox_dataset_v1.0. 4. Compile the projects under directory of catkin_ws

$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash


  1. For Visualizing annotation results in one direction (lidar coordinate system):
$ roslaunch pcd_single_read show_results.launch
  1. For Visualizing the annotation results in all directions (world coordinate system)
$ roslaunch pcd_anno_read show_results.launch