Livox-Free-Space is a fast and effective free-space detection package using Livox LiDAR data. It based on traditional algorithm to segment 3D LiDAR data and generate free-space.
Free space is marked in red.
(tested with Melodic)Eigen 3.3.7
PCL 1.8
cd ~/your_workspace/src
git clone
cd ..
- Open your bash and cd to the path of your bag, or you can use the demo bag in data/.
rosbag play your.bag
- Open another bash and cd to your workspace.
cd ~/your_workspace
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch livox_free_space livox_free_space.launch
- Run your LiDAR with livox_ros_driver
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar.launch
- Change the topic name in src/FreeSpace_node.cpp from
. And then catkin make this package:
cd ~/your_workspace
- Run the launch file:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch livox_free_space livox_free_space.launch
- The required topic name of point cloud messages is
, and the type issensor_msgs::PointCloud2
- The parameter
in launch file is used to calibrate the ground height in input point cloud to near0
in advance.
You can get support from Livox with the following methods:
- Send email to with a clear description of your problem and your setup
- Report issues on github