
Developed in cmput274

Primary LanguageC++

Name:LIYAO JIANG(1512446)
Section#: EA1

Name:XIAOLEI ZHANG(1515335)
Section#:LBL A1

Assignment 2 Part 2 restaurant finder:
A restaurant finder program controlled using joystick
In mode 0, When users using joystick to control the cursor to move on the whole
map of Edmonton. In mode 1, users can click joystick then the program will show
the nearby restaurants in LED display, restaurants name will been displayed at
screen, users should be able to move a highlight block to select a restaurant
on the list. When users selected the restaurant in the list and pushed button
in mode 1, program will automatically enter mode 0, and redisplay the map,
with the selected restaurant located at the centre of the screen.
NOTE: 1. When restaurant is outside the map of Edmonton, the cursor should be
placed on the map location that is closest to the selected restaurant.
2. If the selected restaurant is close to the map boundary, then the cursor does
not have to be placed at the centre of the screen.

Modified based on PART1:
Added rating selector feature.
By default, rating selector set to 1, i.e. all restaurant with at least one star
will appear. Use plus and minus button on the Touch Screen, to change the
selected Rating. If rating 4 selected, only restaurants with at least 4 stars
will be showed after clicking on the map

The list of restaurants sorted based on distance to the cursor in mode 2.
Now have several pages, scroll to the bottom and keep scrolling will go to next
page, and vice versa. Also a quicker sorting quicksort algorithm is used.

list of files needed in the same working directory

Connect the Arduino to your computer
Use the terminal to navigate to the directory including:
Makefile & all the .cpp and .h files
Use "make upload" command to compile and upload the program to your Arduino
Use the joystick to move the cursor around the map, press on the joystick to
find nearby restaurants and scroll in the list using joystick. Click to show the
cursor on the position of the selected restaurant on map

* Arduino Mega Board (AMG)
* Adafruit ILI934 breakout board
	(the display, touch screen, and SD card)
* Wires

Wiring required for this program:

Joystick pins:
	Analog pin A1 should connect to pin VRx
	Analog pin A0 should connect to pin VRy
	Digital pin 2 should connect to pin SW
Display and SD and touch screen follows the standard wiring:
//copied from 'Wiring for Adafruit ILI9341 File'

Board Pin <---> Arduino Pin
GND             GND
Vin             5V
3Vo             NOT CONNECTED
CLK             52
MISO            50
MOSI            51
CS              10
D/C             9
Lite            NOT CONNECTED
Y+              A2 (analog pin)
X+              4  (digital pin)
Y-              5  (digital pin)
X-              A3 (analog pin)
IM0 - IM3       NOT CONNECTED (they expect a 3.3v signal, DON'T CONNECT!)
CCS             6
CD              NOT CONNECTED