All Points Matter: Entropy-Regularized Distribution Alignment for Weakly-supervised 3D Segmentation (NeurIPS 2023)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

All Points Matter: Entropy-Regularized Distribution Alignment for Weakly-supervised 3D Segmentation (NeurIPS 2023)

By Liyao Tang, Zhe Chen, Shanshan Zhao, Chaoyue Wang, and Dacheng Tao

This is the implementation of our NeurIPS 2023 paper:
All Points Matter: Entropy-Regularized Distribution Alignment for Weakly-supervised 3D Segmentation [arXiv] [OpenReview]


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    title={All Points Matter: Entropy-Regularized Distribution Alignment for Weakly-supervised 3D Segmentation},
    author={Liyao Tang and Zhe Chen and Shanshan Zhao and Chaoyue Wang and Dacheng Tao},
    booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

Quantitative results

S3DIS (Area 5) in mIoU, under 1% labeled points and fully-supervised settings.

methods 1% fully
RandLA-Net + ERDA 67.2 68.3
CloserLook3D + ERDA 68.2 69.6
PT + ERDA 70.4 72.6

Qualitative results


Setup & Usage

This code has been tested with Python 3.7, Tensorflow 1.14, CUDA 10.0 and cuDNN 7.4.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.


  • clone the repo.

      git clone https://github.com/LiyaoTang/ERDA
      cd ERDA
  • Setup python environment and install dependencies.

      conda create -n erda python=3.7
      conda activate erda
      conda install -f py_requirements.txt
  • Follow Tensorflow installation procedure.

  • Compile the customized tf ops.

      bash compile_ops.sh

Dataset Preparation

  • S3DIS dataset can be found here. Download the files named "Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version.zip". Uncompress the folder and move it to be under Data/S3DIS.

  • ScanNet dataset can be downloaded following the instruction here in requesting and using its download script.
    We need to download four types of files: .txt, _vh_clean_2.ply, _vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json and the .aggregation.json. We also need its label map file scannetv2-labels.combined.tsv (via script download) and scannetv2_val.txt.
    Then, move all files/directories to be under Data/ScanNet.
    Note that, to run with weak supervision, one may need to manually convert the provided annotation points from .pth into .npy, which can be done via python terminal:

      >>> from config.scannet import default as cfg
      >>> from datasets import get_dataset
      >>> scannet_dataset = get_dataset(cfg)
      >>> scannet_dataset.preprocess_weaksup()
  • SensatUrban dataset can be downloaded following the instructions here. Download and move all files/directories to be under Data/SensatUrban.

Note: The data will be pre-processed and cached at the first time of the running, which may take some time. While our code borrows methods from previous works for data processing and is generally compatible with them, we still recommend to re-process the data due to some of the modifications.


Simply run the following script to start the training:

python main.py -c path/to/config --mode train --gpus [num gpus]

All configs are provided under config/.
For more options, please check the main.py as well as the config files to play around.

For example, to train on S3DIS dataset using RandLA-Net + ERDA using 2 gpus, run the following command:

python main.py -c config/s3dis/randla_erda.yaml --gpus 2

Note that, by default, the log will be saved under the path results/[dataset_name]/[model_name]/Log_[date]-[time].


Simply provide the training command with mode=test and the path for finding saved model, i.e.

python main.py -c path/to/config --mode test --model [path]

Pretrained models can be accessed here, together with their logs. Choose the desired baseline and unzip into the corresponding code directory and provide it to the testing command.
For example, to test on S3DIS dataset with the pretrained RandLA-Net baseline:

python main.py -c config/s3dis/randla_erda.yaml --mode test --model results/s3dis/randla_erda/Log_pretrain

For more specific usage, please consult the main.py.


This repo is built based on a series of previous works, including KPConv, RandLA-Net, CloserLook3D, Point-Transformer. Thanks for their excellent work.


Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.