A Bayesian method for the inter-calibration of spectra in reverberation mapping

Primary LanguageC

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A Bayesian method for the inter-calibration of spectra in reverberation mapping

reference: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014ApJ...786L...6L


First install the third-party packages GSL and LAPACKE and then adjust Makefile with your system's library paths. Type make will generate an execuutable file cali.


To run the code, type the following commend in a Linux terminal:

./cali param.txt
  • The code reads configurations from the file param.txt and does intercalibration by a Monte-Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) technique. param.txt specifies file names for continuum and line data, the steps of MCMC sampling and the built-in steps that are discarded.

  • The inter-clibrated continum and emission line fluxes are output into cont.txt and line.txt, respectively. The factors for inter-calibration are output into factor.txt. As a by-product, the code also reconstructs light curves, output into cont_recon.txt and line_recon.txt, respectively.


Yan-Rong Li,  liyanrong@ihep.ac.cn

Please contact me if you have any problem.