Computes approximate solutions in a graph to problems instances I = (s,d,M) where: s is the start node, d the end node and M the list of mandatory nodes to visit at least once.
Uses a pre-trained graph neural network to first compute a suggested order of visit, then further optimizes the order of visit with the 2-OPT algorithm.
Requirements:SWIG (need to setup config files for numpy so C++ knows where to look for required files), numpy, networkx, scipy, tensorflow, cuda
Installation instructions:
Install Cuda Export to Path and Environment variables See guide :
Install Pip for python 3: sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install tensorflow GPU: pip3 install tensorflow-gpu If any problems, install older versions of tensorflow-gpu. Tested successfully with tensorflow-gpu 1.4.0
Install cuDNN v7.6.2 (July 22, 2019), for CUDA 10.0(create Nvidia account): (Install Runtime, developer, code samples for Ubuntu version)
Install Numpy : pip3 install numpy
Install Scipy: sudo apt-get install python3-scip
Install Networkx: pip3 install networkx
Install SWIG: sudo apt-get install swig
Go to hybrid_2OPT_simu/hybrid_2OPT_simu/python/SWIG_TwoOptClient and edit
- If needed, correct the following address to python3.5 package: /usr/include/python3.5/
- If needed, correct the following address to numpy: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/
Run sudo ./
When calling this program from C++ (use c++11), include in C++ source code the header "pyFunctions.h". Include in the makefile pyFunctions.cpp and the path to python3.5-config: example: g++ -std=c++11 gcnScenario.cpp pyFunctions.cpp -o gcnScenario $(/usr/bin/python3.5-config --ldflags)
Three C++ functions can be used (example in gcnScenario.cpp):
UpdateGraph: Needs to be run after the graph file GRAPH.xml (in XML format) is updated in python/input
TrainCaller: Trains the GCN on the current graph. Required before using the GCN
gcnApplicationCaller: Solves a problem (s,d,M): start/destination/mandatory and returns the result