This is a lua based, bootstrap-able NeoVim Configuration for C development (for example, Linux Kernel or Qemu).
- Install NeoVim. Refer to NeoVim Installation Wiki
- Have access to Proxy may need to be configured if sitting in internal network.
- Do following to cleanup previous nvim related configurations
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim
- Clone this repo to ~/.config/nvim
- Launch 'nvim'. This will download all the necessary plugins automatically.
- Quit nvim, and relaunch nvim. That's it.
- Install language servers (clangd, bashls, etc.). Refer to on how to install language servers.
- Install Nerd fonts
If it is C repo, the file compile_commands.json is needed for language server clangd to work.
Run scripts/clang-tools/ after kernel compiling. This will generate compile_commands.json in the top directory. Using nvim to edit a file in the repo will make clangd start to act as a language server.
Qemu automatically generate a compile_commands.json in its build/ directory, so no extra actions is needed for Qemu.
Mode | Key | Binding |
n | <SPACE> | Leader key |
n | tt | Toggle Nvim-Tree on left side |
n | ts | Toggle Symbols Outline on right side |
n | fc | Telescope switch colorscheme |
n | ff | Telescope find file |
n | fb | Telescope find and switch buffer |
n | fw | Telescope find and switch workspace |
n | fh | Telescope find all commits that touch selected lines |
n | fg | Telescope lsp dynamic workspace symbols |
n | <C-]> | LSP go to definition |
n | <C-\>r | Telescope lsp find symbol references |
n | <C-\>s | Telescope grep word under cursor |
n | <C-\>t | Telescope live grep |
n | <C-g> | Refine search for live grep & lsp-dynamic-workspace symbols |
n | <C-e> | Toggle diagnostic messages from LSP server for a line |
n | K | LSP hover on current word |
n | <ESC> | Cancel search highlight |
n | <TAB> | Goto next buffer |
n | <C-Left> | Window vertical resize +1 |
n | <C-Right> | Window vertical resize -1 |
n | <C-Up> | Window resize -1 |
n | <C-Down> | Window resize +1 |
n | <SPACE>w | Switch window |
n | <C-n> | Start a terminal |
t | <ESC> | Back to normal mode in terminal |