
Decryption of google passwords, opera with sending to ftp server

Primary LanguagePython


Using the "environment variables" we find the name of the drive and username. Next, go to the Google and Opera files and extract the data from the url, logins, passwords into the table (SQLLite). We decrypt passwords in place and write everything to a file. Also presented are several functions that receive a public computer ip, mac address. After the script is self-destructing.


  • on line 100, the name is "... .bat", which deletes the main script.

  • in stock 110 - the name of your ftp server. In "... .bat" write the name of the script .py

  • in line 111 - login and password of the account.

  • in line 112 - the folder to save on the server.

Work with passwords in Windows:

