A demo app that will search Food recipes. Final project in vanila java script for my coding school.
This website allow users to search recipes and filter by calories, diets and allergens.Maximum number of recipes you can get is 100 recepies ('problem' with free version of API :) ) Maximum number of displayed results for one page is twelve recipes.
- Html
- css
- sass
- JavaScript
To run this project, install it locally. All you need to do is to copy url of repo and type next command in Git Bash:
$ cd <location>
$ git clone <url>
In case of running es-6 version branch, you need to run local server. For that you have to install node first, than just type next commands in Git Bash:
$ cd <project-folder>
$ npm install -g http -server
$ http-server
Project is: finished.
Project inspired by my code bootcamp lecturer, for my java script final exam. We used https://developer.edamam.com/edamam-recipe-api for creating this app