
React Native Quick Controls

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-quick-controls --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-quick-controls


import React from "react"
import { View, Text, Image } from "react-native"
import QuickControls from 'react-native-quick-controls';

const QuickControlsApp = props => {

    return (
            landscapeStyle={{ marginTop: 20 }}
            viewMode={val => console.log(val)}
                <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
                    <Text>This is a children component</Text>
                    style = {{ alignSelf: 'center', width: 25, height: 50, resizeMode: 'contain' }}
                    source = {{ uri: "https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/o-shaped-flag-1/128/O_shaped_asian_flag-21-256.png" }}
            first_action={() => console.log("First action pressed!")}
                style = {{ alignSelf: 'center', width: 36, height: 36, resizeMode: 'contain' }}
                source = {{ uri: "https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/o-shaped-flag-1/128/O_shaped_asian_flag-21-256.png" }}
            second_action={() => console.log("Second action pressed!")}
                style = {{ alignSelf: 'center', width: 36, height: 36, resizeMode: 'contain' }}
                source = {{ uri: "https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/o-shaped-flag-1/128/O_shaped_asian_flag-27-128.png" }}
            third_action={() => console.log("Third action pressed!")}
                style = {{ alignSelf: 'center', width: 36, height: 36, resizeMode: 'contain' }}
                source = {{ uri: "https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/o-shaped-flag-1/128/O_shaped_asian_flag-16-256.png" }}



Prop Type Required Default Description
parent component Yes The parent component
first_child component Yes The first child to show
first_action Action Yes The action perform after first child clicked
second_child component Yes The second child to show
second_action Action Yes The action perform after second child clicked
third_child component Yes The third child to show
first_action Action Yes The action perform after third child clicked
duration milliseconds No 500 The duration of animation
portraitEndPoint double No 0.7 The limit of the menu can reached in portrait mode
landscapeEndPoint double No 0.5 The limit of the menu can reached in landscape mode
viewMode Function No Callback function for screen mode changed
commonStyle style No Common style for both portrait and landscape mode
portraitStyle style No Style for portrait mode
landscapeStyle style No Style for landscape mode

MIT Licensed