Companion library to SpongePowered Mixin with many custom injectors for a more expressive experience.
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VerifyError when using @Local
#95 opened by Gamebuster19901 - 3
[BUG] error: package com.llamalad7.mixinextras.injector.wrapoperation does not exist
#94 opened by FaeWulf - 5
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Deliberate conflict marker
#90 opened by Earthcomputer - 1
All jars missing from maven central
#89 opened by Gamebuster19901 - 3
Mixin error
#88 opened by starlinetor - 3
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Couldn't find an old version of Mixinextras
#85 opened by Crystal0404 - 5
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[Suggestion] @WrapMethod
#65 opened by KingContaria - 1
@ModifyExpressionValue may have some problems
#81 opened by shuangfas - 2
[Suggestion] `@This` annotation
#80 opened by dhyces - 6
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WrapWithCondition v2 issue
#74 opened by Skidamek - 3
#73 opened by Krimatoria - 1
Unable to find matching local
#71 opened by mathisHeidrich - 5
WrapWithCondition annotation is targeting an instruction with a non-void return type
#70 opened by dima-dencep - 1
How to build the mod?
#69 opened by somykOS - 1
Random mixin crashes after adding MixinExtras
#68 opened by hlysine - 3
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WrapWithCondition is wrapping injects
#56 opened by KingContaria - 1
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Crashing with Connector, I'm assuming its when both a fabric & forge mod integrate this at the same time.
#61 opened by SlayDigger - 5
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Issue with Bad local variable type with another mod's WrapOperation LocalRef
#55 opened by MerchantPug - 8
[Question] Why does MixinExtras 0.2.0 for fabric platform requires fabric loader `>=0.14.11`
#52 opened by Fallen-Breath - 2
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Targeting lambdas does not work with ME's AP
#51 opened by Jonathing - 2
Weird Crashing issue that occurs between 1 and 3 minutes after loading singleplayer world.
#50 opened by cranberriez - 8
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JitPack build for 0.2.0-rc.5 failed
#48 opened by MerchantPug - 6
[Forge] "incompatible modded server" when MixinExtras jar is used only server-side
#47 opened by Fourmisain - 3
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[Suggestion] Adding parameters
#37 opened by Papierkorb2292 - 5
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/llamalad7/mixinextras/MixinExtrasBootstrap when using a Lib that jarJars MixinExtra
#41 opened by Charismara - 8
add initializing string to mod
#38 opened by swapmasterx - 2
Crash issue
#36 opened by ziyaakay