Salary Calculator


Duration: 3 hours

This project takes in employee information and does a monthly payroll cost calculation on their annual salary. It also alerts the user if the monthly payroll cost has exceeded $20,000.

Employees can be added by both admin and regular users. While it does require admin access to delete employee information.

With features like "press enter to submit", clicking table header to sort, and validation checks on both missing information and duplicate employee ID's, this project can help manage even the most untidy of employee lists!


  1. On Github select the green "Code" button and copy this repo per your desired method. (We will assume SSH. You also must fork first if you would like to make your own edits.)
  2. Go to your terminal and change directory to your desired location for this file
  3. In the terminal type: git clone [PASTE CODE LINK]
  4. Type in: cd weekend-jquery-salary-calculator
  5. Type in: open index.html


  1. Enter all employee info (All fields required)
  2. Click add to create the employee in the tracking system and calculat monthly payroll
  3. If you need to delete an employee, enable Admin mode.
  4. Once Admin mode is enabled, click the delete button next to the employee to be removed.

Built With

Javascript, jQuery


Thanks to EDA for the amazing opportunity to learn and develop myself.


Email me with any questions at: