
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


What is this?

Calvin is an application environment that lets things talk to things. It comprises of both a development framework for application developers, and a runtime environment that handles the running application. Calvin is based on the fundamental idea that application development should be simple and fun. There should be no unnecessary impediments between an idea and its implementation, and an app developer should not have to worry about communication protocols or hardware specifics (but will not stop you from doing it if you want to.)

Quick start


The latest version of Calvin can be found on github.


To install Calvin, use the accompanying setup.py

$ python setup.py install

Alternatively, install the requirements using pip

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To verify a working installation, try

$ csdeploy calvin/scripts/test1.calvin

This should produced an output similar to this:

[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 1
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 2
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 3
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 4
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 5
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 6
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 7
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 8
[Time INFO] StandardOut<[Actor UUID]>: 9
[ ... ]

The exact output may vary; the number of lines and the UUID of the actor will most likely be different between runs.

It is also possible to start a runtime without deploying an application to it,

$ csdeploy --start-only --host <address> --controlport 5001 --port 5000 --keep-alive

Applications can then be deployed remotely using

$ csdeploy --deploy-only --host <address> --controlport 5001 --port 5000 <script-file>
Deployed application <app id>

and stopped with

$ csdeploy --host <address> --controlport 5001 --port 5000 --kill <app id>

Alternatively, a nicer way of doing it is using the web interface, described next.


Start a runtime

$ csdeploy --start-only --host localhost --controlport 5001 --port 5000 --keep-alive

Start web server

$ csweb

In a web browser go to http://localhost:8000, enter the control uri of the runtime you wish to inspect (in this case http://localhost:5001)

To deploy an application to the runtime, go to the Deploy tab, load a script and deploy it. (Note: There have been issues with some browsers on this page. Only Google Chrome seems to work consistently.)

After deployment, the Actor tab lists the actors currently executing on this runtime, and the Applications tab shows all applications deployed from the current runtime. By selecting one of the application ids, it is possible to get a visual representation of the application in the form of a graph. It is also possible to turn on tracing in order to see what goes on w.r.t actions in each actor. Running applications can also be stopped here.


Once you have two runtimes up and running, executing the following will allow you to migrate actors between them;

$ csdeploy --host <address> --port <port> --peer calvinip://<other node address>:<other node port>

Deploy an application to one of them (from the command line or the web interface) and visit the Actors tab in the web interface. It should now be possible to select an actor and migrate it to the other node.


If necessary, install the extra packages needed for testing

$ pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Run the essential test suite

$ py.test -m essential

Run the quick test suite

$ py.test -m "not slow"

Some tests are skipped (marked s), some are expected to fail (marked x or X). The important thing is that the line at the bottom is green.

My first Calvinscript

CalvinScript is a scripting language designed to take the ugliness out of writing calvin programs. Using your favorite editor, create a file named myfirst.calvin containing the following:

# myfirst.calvin
source : std.Counter()
output : io.StandardOut()

source.integer > output.token

Save the file, and deploy and run the program

$ csdeploy myfirst.calvin

The output should be identical to the earlier example.

Calvin internals overview

This section deals with developing Calvin internals, for information on how to develop actors, or applications using CalvinScript, see sections 'Writing Actors in Python' and 'Writing CalvinScript Applications', respectively below.

Assumptions on a Calvin application

  • An application is a set of actors and a graph describing the connections
  • The application graph is static during application lifetime
  • Actor classes are uniquely identifiable
  • Actor instances are uniquely identifiable
  • If a actor instance is migrated it retains its unique id
  • Actors run on "nodes"
  • Actors communicate over ports
  • Input ports have a one-to-one relation to an output port
  • Output ports may have a one-to-many relation (fan-out) to their input port(s)
  • Fan-out delivers same sequence to all readers (see open issues)

Writing Actors in Python

A new actor can be developed easily by inheriting from the Actor class, which holds similarity to CAL actors, if one is familiar with them.

An actor

The following is an example of an actor. In this case, the only function is to pass any token recived on the inport to the outport, optionally printing it to standard out.

from calvin.actor.actor import Actor, ActionResult, manage, condition

class Identity(Actor):
    forward a token unchanged
      token : a token
      token : the same token
    def init(self, dump = False):
        self.dump = dump

    def log(self, data) :
        print "%s<%s>: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id, data)

    @condition(['token'], ['token'])
    def donothing(self, input):
        if self.dump : self.log(input)
        return ActionResult(tokens_consumed=1, tokens_produced=1, production=( input, ))

    action_priority = ( donothing, )

Actor breakdown

The first lines import the necessary parts of the Actor module.

from calvin.actor.actor import Actor, ActionResult, manage, condition

Here, Actor is the base class of all actors and should always be included. ActionResult is how an action reports its result to the runtime, including how many tokens where consumed, many where produced, and of course what those produced were.

The manage decorator is used to inform the runtime which attributes of the actor should be automatically managed when migrating, and the condition decorator specifies how many tokens are needed on in-ports and how much space is required on out-ports before an action can fire. The condition decorator also serves the dual purpose of specifying that the decorated function actually is an action.

An actor should always inherit from the Actor base class.

class Identity(Actor):

The docstring of the actor defines the ports and their names. Note: This is required as it is the only way of defining ports. In this example there is one in-port, named token, and one out-port, also named token. The Inputs: and Outputs: headings are optional if no ports listed under heading. For aesthetical reasons the plural 's' in the headings is optional, as is the capitalization of the words. Also optionally document the port after the port string. At least a whitespace is required after the portname, but the convention is to separate port name and port documentation by " : ", i.e. space colon space. It is a convention to use lowercase letters for ports, unless there is good reason not to, e.g. a port taking a URL as input.

    forward a token unchanged
      token : a token
      token : the same token

The manage decorator, here used in its simplest form - giving a list of attributes to manage. Optionally, it could be written @manage( include = ['dump'] ). If there are a multitude of attributes, all of which should be included, an empty argument list, i.e. @manage() will ensure all of them are included. It is also possible to only specify which attributes should be excluded. See the documentation for Actor.actor.manage for further details.


The init method serves the same purpose for actors as __init__ does for python classes, to initialize attributes. This is the first method called after an actor is created and has access to all actor specific methods. Any attribute which exists after init returns can be managed (see above)

    def init(self, dump = False):
        self.dump = dump

It is of course possible to define and call any number of methods in an actor.

    def log(self, data) :
        print "%s<%s>: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id, data)

An action is defined by the @condition decorator. In this case, it expects one token on the in-port token, and one available slot on the out-port, also named token. The argument list here is actually a shortened version of @condition( action_input = [ ('token', 1) ], action_output = [ ('token', 1) ] meaning the action has as input one token from in-port 'token' and will produce one token on out-port 'token'. See documentation for Actor.actor.condition.

    @condition(['token'], ['token'])

Omitted in this action is the guard decorator. Whereas condition only does a superficial examination of the ports (number of tokens available on in-ports and space left on out-ports, mainly) the guard has full access to the tokens and can examine them more thoroughly. For example, it would be possible to handle input differently based on type by including a guard @guard(lambda self, a : isinstance(a, str)) on an action, and it would only be applied when the token on the in-port is a string. The guard will always have the same signature as the action.

    def donothing(self, input):
        if self.dump : self.log(input)

The ActionResult returns the result of the action to the runtime. Here, one token was consumed, one was produced, and the tokens produced is given as a sequence. [@TODO elaborate]

        return ActionResult(tokens_consumed=1, tokens_produced=1, production=( input, ))

Finally, action_priority determines the priority of the actions. This is the order in which conditions (and guards) will be evaluated to see which actions fire. Whenever an action fires, this can cause actions of higher priority to be ready to fire, and thus the sequence will be iterated, restarting whenever an action fires, until no action has fired for a full iteration.

    action_priority = ( donothing, )

Writing CalvinScript Applications

The structure of a CalvinScript is as follows:

  1. an optional list of component declarations
  2. an optional program

A CalvinScript program

A program consists of a list of instantiations and a list of connections (and comments).

An instantiation (of an actor) is is a statement of the form:




where we have created two actors, src and output1 of type Counter and StandardOut, belonging to the std and io namespace, respectively.

A connection describes how actors are connected over ports using the form:

<actor>.<outport> > <actor>.<inport>


src.integer > output1.token

where the integer sequence produced by src on its integer output port is connected to the token input port of the output1 actor. The resulting application will write a sequence of integer to the log.

Together, the instantiations and connections describe the application graph.

A CalvinScript component declaration

To provide a means for hierarchy and reuse, it is possible to declare components in CalvinScript.

A component declaration has the form:

component <ComponentName>(<argname_list>) <inport_list> -> <outport_list> {

Reading the above from left to right we have a keyword component, a name for the new component, a possibly empty list of the names of the arguments to the component instantiation, a list of input port names and a list of output port names (either of which may be empty), and a CalvinScript program between the curly brackets.

As always, an example might be useful:

component DelayedCounter(delay) -> integer {
  Produce a sequence of numbers with a short delay inbetween numbers

  ctr : std.Counter()
  delay : std.Delay(delay = delay)

  ctr.integer > delay.token
  delay.token > integer

dctr : DelayedCounter(delay=0.5)
out  : StandardOut()

dctr.integer > out.token

In the above script, the component is immediately usable since it is defined in the same source file as the program using it. For other users to enjoy its benefits, it can be installed locally. To install a component, use the compiler with the --install directive on the file where one or more components was defined, together with the namespace under which to install the components. NB. Only components will ever be installed, never scripts themselves nor the program following the component declaration.


$ csinstall --script script.calvin --all --namespace usr

This will install all components found in script script.calvin in namespace usr. These will behave just like any other actor, and can be used by other scripts.

The Compiler, the Deployer, and the Actor Store

The compiler, cscompile will compile a CalvinScript source file into a JSON representation. By default, the output will be written to a file with the same name as the input file, but with the extension replaced by 'json' instead of whatever extension the input file had (if any).

For up-to-date information, run it with an -h argument.

In general, most of the time the deployer is used instead of directly invoking the compiler.


$ csdeploy <scriptfile>

with a CalvinScript file as argument will invoke the compiler for you, and then run the resulting application. It will be silent except for prints to standard output by default. Include -v to get more detailed information on the execution. Also note that the program will exit after 3 seconds.

Finally, the actor store is where we can find documentation about actors.

$ csdocs std.Join

will show the documentation for Join in the std namespace:

std.Join(): Join two streams of tokens
Inputs: token_1, token_2
Outputs: token

It is also possible to get a more verbose description in markdown format:

$ csdocs --format detailed std.Join

#### std.Join()

Join two streams of tokens

##### Inputs

:    first token stream

:    second token stream

##### Outputs

:    resulting token stream

For components, additional information on which actors they make use of is included:

$ csdocs std.DelayedCounter

std.DelayedCounter(delay): Counts from 0 and up, waiting 'delay' seconds between numbers
Requires: std.Delay, std.Counter
Outputs: integer

Open issues
