
Project to show how GraphQL works using a Hogwarts Example

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hogwarts API

Small project to show how GraphQL works using as example Hogwarts.

The project uses the House-Student relation to show how easy becomes to join different MongoDB collections from the client thanks to GraphQL.

It also provides a mutation to add or substract points to a specific house, to make Hogwarts teacher's lifes easier.


  • Create a .env file with the content described in the section below, adding the correct PORT and DDBB connection string.
  • Execute the seed by running the command yarn db:seed.
  • Start the project with either yarn start or yarn dev.
  • Go to http://locahost:${PORT}/graphql to view GraphiQL and be able to execute your queries.

.env file

Find below the .env file sample:


The information in the fields is the following:

  • PORT: Port that will be used to run the project locally.
  • DATABASE_URL: Connection string to allow use an external database, either from local or in the Cloud.


The project contains three scripts to make its usage easier:

  • db:seed: Inserts some default data in the database to start playing around with data. You can update the information by changing the content that you will find in data/seed.js.
  • dev: Will run nodemon to start the project in a DEV environment, auto-reloading the server with every change you do.
  • start: Will execute the project in a PROD environment.


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Yarn