
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Summary

In this project we'll be building a weather app that allows users to search for the current weather anywhere in the world. We'll make use of the OpenWeatherMap API and Redux Promise Middleware to accomplish this in a user friendly fashion.


  • Go to OpenWeatherMap and create an account. You'll need an API key to complete this project.
    • The API key can take up to 10 minutes to activate.
  • Fork and clone this repository.
  • cd into the project directory.
  • Run npm i to install dependencies.
  • Run npm start to spin up the development server.

Step 1


We will begin this project by installing new dependencies and modifying the store to handle promises.


  • Run npm install redux-promise-middleware axios.
  • Open src/store.js.
  • Import promiseMiddleware from redux-promise-middleware.
  • Import applyMiddleware from redux.
  • Modify the original createStore to have two additional parameters after weather:
    • undefined - This could be an initial state, but since the reducer is handling that, let's just pass undefined.
    • applyMiddleware( promiseMiddleware() ) - This will tell Redux that we want the middleware called on every action that is dispatched.


import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import promiseMiddleware from "redux-promise-middleware";
import weather from "./ducks/weather";

export default createStore( weather, undefined, applyMiddleware( promiseMiddleware() ) );

Step 2


In this step, we will add an action for fetching weather data and handle all possible outcomes in the reducer in src/ducks/weather.js.


  • Open src/ducks/weather.js.
  • Import axios at the top of the file.
  • Create a new action type of SET_WEATHER that equals "SET_WEATHER".
  • Create and export a new action creator called setWeather:
    • This function should take a single parameter called location.
    • This function should create a variable called URL that equals the return value from buildURL.
      • buildURL gets imported from weatherUtils.js. It takes a location parameter and returns an API url we can use with axios.
    • This function should create a variable called promise that equals a promise using axios.get and the URL variable we just created.
      • The then of the promise should capture the response and then return the value of formatWeatherData( response.data ).
      • formatWeatherData gets imported from weatherUtils.js. It takes the object the API returns and formats it for our application to use.
    • This function should return an object with two properties:
      • type - This should equal our action type: SET_WEATHER.
      • payload - This should equal the promise we created above: promise.
  • Update the reducer to handle the SET_WEATHER action:
    • When the action type is SET_WEATHER + "_PENDING":
      • Object
        return {
          error: false, 
          loading: true,
          search: false, 
          weather: {}
    • When the action type is SET_WEATHER + "_FULFILLED":
      • Object
        return {
          error: false, 
          loading: false,
          search: false,
          weather: action.payload
    • When the action type is SET_WEATHER + "_REJECTED":
      • Object
        return {
          error: true,
          loading: false,
          search: false,
          weather: {}


import { buildURL, formatWeatherData } from '../utils/weatherUtils';
import axios from 'axios';

const initialState = {
  error: false,
  loading: false, 
  search: true,
  weather: {}

const RESET = "RESET";

export default function weather( state = initialState, action ) {
  switch ( action.type ) {
    case SET_WEATHER + "_PENDING":
      return {
        error: false,
        loading: true,
        search: false,
        weather: {}
      return {
        error: false,
        loading: false,
        search: false,
        weather: action.payload
      return {
        error: true,
        loading: false,
        search: false,
        weather: {}
    case RESET: return initialState;
    default: return state;

export function reset() {
  return { type: RESET };

export function setWeather( location ) {
  var url = buildURL( location );
  const promise = axios.get( url ).then( response => formatWeatherData( response.data ) );
  return {
    type: SET_WEATHER,
    payload: promise

Step 3


In this step, we will create a file that contains and exports our API Key from OpenWeatherMap.


  • Create a new file in src named apiKey.js.
  • In src/apiKey.js export default your API Key in a string.
    • You can locate your API Key here after you've signed up and logged in.


export default "API_KEY_HERE";

Step 4


In this step, we will update our weatherUtils file to handle constructing a URL that will be used to call the OpenWeatherMap API.


  • Open src/utils/weatherUtils.js.
  • Import API_KEY from src/apiKey.js.
  • Modify the BASE_URL variable to equal:
    • `http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?APPID=${ API_KEY }&units=imperial&`


import cloudy from "../assets/cloudy.svg";
import partlyCloudy from "../assets/partly-cloudy.svg";
import rainy from "../assets/rainy.svg";
import snowy from "../assets/snowy.svg";
import sunny from "../assets/sunny.svg";
import unknownIcon from "../assets/unknown-icon.svg";
import API_KEY from "../apiKey";

const BASE_URL = `http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?APPID=${ API_KEY }&units=imperial&`;
function isZipCode( location ) { return !isNaN( parseInt( location ) ); }
function getWeatherIcon( conditionCode ) { if ( conditionCode === 800 ) { return sunny; } if ( conditionCode >= 200 && conditionCode < 600 ) { return rainy; } if ( conditionCode >= 600 && conditionCode < 700 ) { return snowy; } if ( conditionCode >= 801 && conditionCode <= 803 ) { return partlyCloudy; } if ( conditionCode === 804 ) { return cloudy; } return unknownIcon; }
export function formatWeatherData( weatherData ) { return { icon: getWeatherIcon( weatherData.weather[ 0 ].id ), currentTemperature: weatherData.main.temp, location: weatherData.name, maxTemperature: weatherData.main.temp_max, minTemperature: weatherData.main.temp_min, humidity: weatherData.main.humidity, wind: weatherData.wind.speed }; }
export function buildURL( location ) { if ( isZipCode( location ) ) { return BASE_URL + `zip=${location}`; } return BASE_URL + `q=${location}`; }

Step 5


In this step, we will fetch the weather data from OpenWeatherMap's API and place it on application state.


  • Open src/components/EnterLocation/EnterLocation.js.
  • Import setWeather from src/ducks/weather.js.
  • Add setWeather to the object in the connect statement.
  • Modify the handleSubmit method:
    • This method should call setWeather ( remember it is on props ) and pass in this.state.location.
  • Open src/ducks/weather.js.
  • Add a console.log( action.payload ) before the return statement in the SET_WEATHER + '_FULFILLED' case.

Try entering in a zip code or location in the interface and press submit. You should now see a console.log appear in the debugger console.


import React, { Component } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";

import { setWeather } from '../../ducks/weather';

import "./EnterLocation.css";

class EnterLocation extends Component {
  constructor( props ) {
    super( props );

    this.state = { location: "" };

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind( this );
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind( this );

  handleChange( event ) {
    this.setState( { location: event.target.value } );

  handleSubmit( event ) {
    this.props.setWeather( this.state.location )
    this.setState( { location: "" } );

  render() {
    return (
        onSubmit={ this.handleSubmit }
          onChange={ this.handleChange }
          placeholder="London / 84601"
          value={ this.state.location }

export default connect( state => state, { setWeather })( EnterLocation );

Step 6


In this step, we will be displaying all the different child components based on application state.

  • If props.error is truthy, we will render the ErrorMessage component with a reset prop equal to our reset action creator.
  • If props.loading is truthy, we will render an image with a src prop equal to hourglass. hourglass is an animated loading indicator.
  • If props.search is truthy, we will render the EnterLocation component.
  • If none of those are truthy, we will render the CurrentWeather component with a reset prop equal to our reset action creator and a weather prop equal to weather off of props.


  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a method above the render method called renderChildren:
    • This method should deconstruct error, loading, search, weather, and reset from props for simplified referencing.
    • This method should selectively render a component based on the conditions specified in the summary.
  • Replace <EnterLocation /> in the render method with the invocation of renderChildren.


import React, { Component } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";

import "./App.css";

import hourglass from "./assets/hourglass.svg";

import { reset } from "./ducks/weather";

import CurrentWeather from "./components/CurrentWeather/CurrentWeather";
import EnterLocation from "./components/EnterLocation/EnterLocation";
import ErrorMessage from "./components/ErrorMessage/ErrorMessage";

class App extends Component {
  renderChildren() {
    const {
    } = this.props;

    if ( error ) {
      return <ErrorMessage reset={ reset } />

    if ( loading ) {
      return (
        <img alt="loading indicator" src={ hourglass } />

    if ( search ) {
      return <EnterLocation />

    return (
      <CurrentWeather reset={ reset } weather={ weather } />

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="app">
        <h1 className="app__title">WEATHERMAN</h1>
        { this.renderChildren() }

export default connect( state => state, { reset } )( App );

Step 7


In this step, we will update CurrentWeather to display an icon and the actual weather information.

Detailed Instructions

  • Open src/components/CurrentWeather/CurrentWeather.js.
  • Using the weather prop object, replace the static data for location, icon, current temp, max temp, min temp, wind, and humidity.


import React, { PropTypes } from "react";

import "./CurrentWeather.css";

export default function CurrentWeather( { weather, reset } ) {
  const {
  } = weather;
  return (
    <div className="current-weather">
      <div className="current-weather__weather">
        <h3 className="current-weather__location"> { location } </h3>
          alt="current weather icon"
          src={ icon }
        <h3 className="current-weather__temp"> { currentTemperature }° </h3>

        <div className="current-weather__separator" />

        <ul className="current-weather__stats">
          <li className="current-weather__stat">Max: { maxTemperature }°</li>
          <li className="current-weather__stat">Min: { minTemperature }°</li>
          <li className="current-weather__stat">Wind: { wind } MPH</li>
          <li className="current-weather__stat">Humidity: { humidity }%</li>
        onClick={ reset }
        Search Again

  CurrentWeather.propTypes = {
    reset: PropTypes.func.isRequired
  , weather: PropTypes.shape( {
      icon: PropTypes.string.isRequired
    , currentTemperature: PropTypes.number.isRequired
    , maxTemperature: PropTypes.number.isRequired
    , minTemperature: PropTypes.number.isRequired
    , wind: PropTypes.number.isRequired
    , humidity: PropTypes.number.isRequired
  } ).isRequired


If you see a problem or a typo, please fork, make the necessary changes, and create a pull request so we can review your changes and merge them into the master repo and branch.


© DevMountain LLC, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from DevMountain, LLC is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to DevMountain with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.