
keep track of your garage inventory

Primary LanguageRuby

Two-factor authentication (2FA) in web app with Twilio-powered Authy. 2FA helps further secure your user' data by validating more than just a password.

Adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to your web application increases the security of your user's data. Multi-factor authentication determines the identity of a user by validating once by logging into the app, and second by validating their mobile device.

How it works

For the second factor, we will validate that the user has their mobile phones by either:

  • Sending a OneTouch push notification to their mobile Authy app
  • Sending them a token through their mobile Authy app
  • Sending them a one-time token in a text message sent with Authy via Twilio

Getting Started

  1. clone the program using
git clone https://github.com/LoRyder1/car-locker.git
  1. navigate to repository
cd car-locker
  1. install the required gems using bundler
bundle install
  1. get the app up and running
ruby twiml-quickstart.rb
  1. in a new terminal window use ngrok to use secure tunnel to localhost - exposes a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
ngrok http 4567
  1. Export the environment variables
export AUTHY_API_KEY=Your Authy API Key
  1. Run the server
bundle exec rails s
  1. Expose your application to wider internet using ngrok
ngrok http 3000
  1. Go to your https://dashboard.authy.com. Add and update endpoint/url with the endpoint you created.
  1. Link to application

Built with

  • Ruby - is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language.
  • Rails - server side web application framework written in Ruby. Uses MVC framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.
  • React.js - javascript library
  • Authy(powered by Twilio) - mobile and desktop app for two-step verifications. more secure, more reliable, more convenient