DEPRECATED: U2F has been superseded by Web Authentication, and this project is superseded by java-webauthn-server. We recommend using WebAuthn instead for new deployments. This project will only receive bug fixes, and will not be developed further.
Server-side U2F library for Java. Provides functionality for registering U2F devices and authenticating with said devices.
repositories{ mavenCentral() }
dependencies {
compile 'com.yubico:u2flib-server-core:0.19.9'
Make sure that you have read Using a U2F library before continuing. |
private abstract Iterable<DeviceRegistration> getRegistrations(String username);
public View startAuthentication(String username) throws NoEligibleDevicesException {
// Generate a challenge for each U2F device that this user has registered
SignRequestData requestData
= u2f.startSignature(SERVER_ADDRESS, getRegistrations(username));
// Store the challenges for future reference
requestStorage.put(requestData.getRequestId(), requestData.toJson());
// Return an HTML page containing the challenges
return new AuthenticationView(requestData.toJson(), username);
public String finishAuthentication(SignResponse response, String username) throws
DeviceCompromisedException {
// Get the challenges that we stored when starting the authentication
SignRequestData signRequest
= requestStorage.remove(response.getRequestId());
// Verify the that the given response is valid for one of the registered devices
return "Successfully authenticated!";
In the above example getRegistrations()
will return the U2F devices currently associated with a given user.
This is most likely stored in a database.
See u2flib-server-demo
for a complete demo server (including registration and storage of U2F devices).
JavaDoc can be found at
The attestation module (u2flib-server-attestation
) enables you to restrict registrations to certain U2F devices (e.g. devices made by a specific vendor). It can also provide metadata for devices.