Weather API Project

For Grade 12 Computer Science

This is a weather API interface written in C# and XAML. It uses the Avalonia platform for compatibility across operating systems, and uses as well as Open-Meteo as the API's it depends on. It also uses ScottPlot in order to display data in a visual format.

Note for teacher: Much of the project is just a template. See MainWindow.axaml.cs and MainWindow.axaml for the stuff I coded personally.


Works on Windows and Linux. Developed specifically on/for Fedora Linux.


  • .NET 8.0
  • Earlier .NET versions work too, but WeatherAPIProj.csproj needs to be updated to target earlier .NET versions.



cd ./build
dotnet WeatherAPIProj.dll


# This can all be done in File Explorer too
cd ./build

Note: This targets .NET 8.0 by default. You may need to edit WeatherAPIProj.csproj to target a different version of .NET depending on what works for you and your environment.

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