
GeoDjango based web application for small scale photos archive

Primary LanguagePython

Setup Development Environment

  • ⚠ NOTE! ⚠ : These instructions are targeting DEVELOPMENT machines and are INSECURE for production.


Create DB

  • Note: This also creates a superuser user called local_gallery.

  • Make sure your database is running.

  • Linux:

      sudo -u postgres createuser -s local_gallery
      sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user local_gallery with encrypted password 'local_gallery';"
      sudo -u postgres createdb local_gallery -O local_gallery
  • Windows (supply password for postgres user):

      createuser --username=postgres -s local_gallery
      psql --username=postgres -c "alter user local_gallery with encrypted password 'local_gallery';"
      createdb --username=postgres local_gallery -O local_gallery


  1. Clone the repository:

     git clone https://github.com/LocalGallery/local_gallery.git
  2. Create a virtual env and install required Python packages:

     pipenv install
  3. Activate the virtualenv:

     pipenv shell
    Your python is here (needed for pycharm):
    * linux:
          which python
    * Windows:
          where python
  4. Reset, migrate and populate database:

     python manage.py reset_db
     python manage.py migrate
     python manage.py populate_db
  5. Create an admin account:

     python manage.py createsuperuser


Run the server:

python manage.py runserver