Apache Flink - Camunda DMN Integration Sample


This is a simple test application that demonstrates a possible DMN decision execution path using Apache Flink as a runtime.


While running the application consumes Kafka topics dmn-xml and dmn-variables. The first one is used for DMN notation delivery, while the second one delivers variables.

Topic dmn-xml:


    "ruleId" : "testRule",
    "xmlStr" : "body as xml"

The second topic dmn-variables waits for the JSON-serialized DmnVariables class, that contains a string representation of the DMN rule id and a specific list with DMN variables in the following format:



  "ruleId" : "testRule",
  "mapStr" : "key1->val1,key2->val2"


  • Run docker-compose up using docker-compose.yml at the /docker
  • Open Akhq UI at localhost:8089
  • Run the StreamingDmnApp
  • Publish dmn-xml.json to the dnm-xml topic using UI (see console for the events)
  • Publish dmn-variables.json to the dmn-variables topic using UI (see console for the events)
  • See the console for an outcome

Flink WebUI is available at localhost:8081.