
CS400 Final Project

Primary LanguageJava

Food Query Project

Team of 4, D-team number: 74

Team Members:

Daniel Koch email: dkoch5@wisc.edu

Samuel Locke email: slocke3@wisc.edu

Niranjan Achanta email: achanta2@wisc.edu

Nicholas A. Decheine email: decheine@wisc.edu

Breif Instructions:

When faced with the main project window, the user will not be able to do much. The user will be able to add a food object by clicking on the "Add New Food Item" button and they will be faced with a popup window with text fields to add the desired food items. The user can also add a list of food items by inputing a .csv file name into the "Input Food List File" field and clicking on the "Load New Food List" button. This will load a whole new food list in the "Food List" pane.

The user can select multiple food items in the "Food List" pane and when the "Add Selected To Meal" button is pressed, the selected food is added to the "Meal List" pane. The user can click on "Analyze Meal" and will be faced with a popup containing the sum of each nutrient inside the meal. The user can also remove any selected food items from the Meal List pane by clicking the "Remove Selected From Meal" button.

The user can also apply two different types of filters to the Food List by either inputting a case-sensitive argument into the "Name Filter" text field, or by inputting formatted arguments into the "Nutrient Filter" text area. If the name field is left blank, then only nutrient filters will be applied to the food list, and vise versa with the nutrient field is left blank. Both fields can have arguments and both filters will be applied!

When the user wants to save their food list all they need to do is click the "Save Food List" button. A popup will apear with a text field for the user to input their desired destination file name.

!!Note all files both loaded and saved will need to be in the working deirectory!!