Refined monokai color scheme for vim.
Plug 'crusoexia/vim-monokai'
mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors
Download the colors/monokai.vim
file from the repo to ~/.vim/colors
Copy below command to your ~/.vimrc
syntax on
colorscheme monokai
If you are using a terminal which support truecolor like iterm2, enable the gui color by adding below setting in ~/.vimrc
or ~/.vim/init.vim
set termguicolors
Otherwise, use below setting to activate the 256 color in terminal
set t_Co=256 " vim-monokai now only support 256 colours in terminal.
coc.nvim is a powerful completion engine, it brings vs-code's experience into vim. vim-monokai fits it well.
If you are using a font which support italic, paste below command in .vimrc
to turn on gui/terminal italic effect:
let g:monokai_term_italic = 1
let g:monokai_gui_italic = 1
Note: If you are using vim with tmux, you need to turn-off the italic. tmux doesn't support italic font, all italic effect will become "reverse".
Below plugins would give you better experience when using vim-monokai:
Language | Plugins |
Javascript | vim-javascript vim-javascript-lib |
Typescript | yats.vim |
Dart | dart-vim-plugin |
JSX | vim-jsx-pretty |
Markdown | vim-markdown |