
Primary LanguagePython


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How to use Make?

We use Make to make to manage running our project. Run this command in terminal to see what Make commands are available:


How to debug backend?

Run in terminal:

make debug-backend

After finishing debugging detach from shell using CTRL+p and CTRL+q.

Initial admin credentials

We have 2 levels of admin users and 2 initial users - with and without Django Admin access:

username password Django Admin access
hello@codeforpoznan.pl cfp123 yes
ola@pah.org.pl pah123 no

API documentation

Available at /api/docs/ URL. Documentation is available only to logged-in users (DRF quirk).

Install python modules locally

python3 -m venv ./backend/.venv
source ./backend/.venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements/dev.txt

Now pip modules are located in backend/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages.

You can use them to check what is available in sources, and add it to your IDE for module resolution.