
This micro-service translates Binance web socket to REST API.

Primary LanguagePython


Transmute is a POC of a micro service which translates Binance websocket market data to REST API. Data is “transmuted” and stored in redis, then served using flask. The whole service can simply be brought up with

docker compose up


POC a service that lets user fetch crypto data from Binance websocket stream @bookTicker in a sane way using flask.


websocket must remain open

Extended goal!

  • Supports all symbols on data stream side
  • Never serve stale data
  • Docker compose

What's next?

  • Dynamic routing, on any valid symbol
  • Additional stream types
  • Auto spawn socket process based on request
  • Auto de-spawn socket when not used
  • Upgrade to Django


git clone <https://github.com/Lodimup/Transmute.git>
cd Transmute
docker compose build --no-cache && docker compose up -d
// if you want to see what's going on inside remove -d flag like so:
docker compose build && docker compose up


open http://localhost:3333 in your favorite browser

POST using Postman
NOTICE: It SHOULD be GET here, but the person given this challenge explicitly requested POST to be swapped with GET.

Try GET it will return an error 400

Try shutting down messenger, let TTL runs out, then

Try POST it will return an error 500, stale data

You can see what’s going on inside redis db using redis-cli and redis-insight


See what’s going on inside the db

https://redis.com/redis-enterprise/redis-insight/ choose the 2.x version


See what’s goin on inside the db using CLI

cd ~/
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
curl <http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz> -o redis-stable.tar.gz
tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
make test //optional
sudo cp src/redis-server /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin/
redis-cli monitor

Dev Notes

There are two main options

  1. Use multiprocessor

Since we need socket to remain open and it is not thread safe. We must use multiprocessor. to spawn two processes, flask, and web socket. Data is shared through an object. Although, this requires no database it’s very complicated to the point of over engineering. If served using gunicorn websocket will possibly be spawned for each request which is never good. Extending functionality is hard too since the two processes are tied together via data object.

  1. Run messenger, and server separately as micro-services with Redis

Redis is very easy to spin up using docker. It’s no brainer to use it as a data store. messenger.py connects to Binance via websocket, translates data, then stores in Redis. server.py fetches the data from Redis then serves the API. Redis has nice added benefit, we can set TTL so we can never serve stale data. We can also spawn multiple messenger.py easily if required. Although not required, persistence can be easily enabled with -v flag

We select option 2


Desc: messenger.py parses Binance @bookTicker data stream, then stores formatted data in Redis. Defaults to btcusdt@bookTicker. Usage:

python messenger.py


python messenger.py
python messenger.py bnbbtc
python messenger.py btcusdt bnbbtc ... bnbbusd


Desc: server serves data from redis. Usage:

python server.py

Note: Possibility to dynamically generate endpoints in furture updates.

Note: Stable up to 2-4 streams depending on Binance’s mood, further performance enhancement needed. Since it’s POC, case where Binance dies is not handled. Easiest workaround is just sending a signal to restart the docker compose.

Add credentials to database connection if used in a production environment