
Detects/classfy images of Buddha amulet with OpenCV. Because my friend messed up.

Primary LanguagePython


Detects/classify images of Buddha amulet with OpenCV. Because my friend messed up.
bro1: We printed 700 images that we need to put in correct order.
bro1: They swapped all the orders.
bro2: ...
bro2: just play ded

Install miniconda: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

conda create --name monkdetect python=3.9.7
conda activate monkdetect
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py

Put your monk images in /source
Start the program
Point your webcam to the image
The correct image will have the highest score (it's sorted)
*** no need to quit the program the score is an average of last 10 cycles
press Q to close the program


i dunno wut im doing lul


probably can be super quicker, and do in batches, but that's for another day.


acutally does not detect monks. It detects if webcam source has something similar to files in source/, then spits out the name of the file.
in this case, we use it to get the file name of printed images of amulet.

optimization opportunity

currently monkdetect only uses one CPU core use ZMQ to spawn orb.detectAndCompute PID should improve performance