
API which periodically fetches price data from Coingeckco, and Binance, then conditionally stores in Redis.

Primary LanguagePython


API which periodically fetches price data from Coingeckco, and Binance, then conditionally stores in Redis.

The program is separated into two services:
fetcher.py for fetching and storing data server.py for serving API /latest


  • fetch binance price
  • fetch coingeco price
  • calc median
  • do not transact if data stale cond. not met
  • do not transact if any calc'd data diff cond. not met
  • endpoint exposed


A snapshot has been made to branch snapshot.
I normally do not log debug this much, it is for your ease of debugging
server addr, password, should be loaded using

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

... = os.getenv('...')

but opted out for the sake of simplicity in testing. Sane options can be configured in fetcher.py constants.
Function pattern:

def func():


Separating server.py, fetcher.py

Simply micro-service pattern. Each service should only do one thing.

DB: Redis

Constrin: easy to dev
RDBMS, too complex for this project.
NOSQL, yes, two choice, Mongo, or Redis.
Redis: Fast, easy, good for caching, fetching, storing JSON.
Mongo: all of about just not as fast.


Constrain: No need to write data
FastAPI: Fast dev, Fast response, modular, defining schemas optional.

Scheduler: Python APS

Constrain: Background job scheduler, simple to implement
Python APS: only one that fit the requirement
ZeroMQ: also works, but requries more complex/ elaborate setup



Spin up redis

cd redis
docker compose up --build --force-recreate

Use env manager of your choice

pip install pipenv
pipenv install

Start fetcher

pipenv run python fetcher.py

Start apiserver

pipenv run uvicorn server:app --port 8888

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