
Every line from every episode of The Office

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The Office

Every line from every episode of The Office

Michael Scott

Special thanks to the fans at OfficeQuotes.net for transcribing the episodes.

I've done my best to clean up and normalize the names and quotes, but feel free to submit an issue or PR you find any mistakes.


npm install the-office


const quotes = require('the-office');


import quotes from 'the-office'


The data is an array of episodes, each containing info about the episode, along with an array of scenes and deleted_scenes:

    "season": 1,
    "episode": 1,
    "title": "Pilot",
    "scenes": [...],
    "deleted_scenes": [...]
    "season": 1,
    "episode": 2,
    "title": "Diversity Day",
    "scenes": [...],
    "deleted_scenes": [...]

The scenes and deleted_scenes properties are each an array of scenes. Each scene is an array of lines:

"scenes": [
      "character": "Michael",
      "line": "All right Jim..."
      "character": "Jim",
      "line": "Oh, I told you. I couldn't close it. So..."
      "character": "Michael",
      "line": "[on the phone] Yes, I'd like to..."

Random Quote Example

This repo only contains the json data, so here's an example showing how you could retrieve a random quote.

const episodes = require('the-office');

// or use lodash's _.sample()
function random(arr) {
  return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];

function randomQuote(episodes) {
  const { scenes, season, episode, title } = random(episodes);
  const { character, line } = random(scenes.flat());
  return { character, line, season, episode, title };

/* {
  character: 'Michael',
  line: 'Parkoooooour!',
  season: 6,
  episode: 1,
  title: 'Gossip'
} */