Redirection Variables

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Redirection Variables adds a few handy referer tracking variables usable inside of redirects created by the WordPress plugins Redirection, Safe Redirect Manager, and Pretty Links.

This can be particularly useful for passing tracking data from your referring posts/pages to affiliate URL's.




Install via Composer:

$ composer require log1x/redirection-variables


Download the release .zip and install into wp-content/plugins.


An example redirect URL destination would look something like:

/go/google ->


Variable Description Example Value Default Value
%source% The referring page source determined by utm_source or the HTTP_REFERER variable. google direct
%medium% The referring page medium determined by utm_medium. search organic
%campaign% The referring page campaign determined by utm_campaign. summer-sale unknown
%term% The referring page campaign determined by utm_term. fish-oil unknown
%content% The referring page content determined by utm_content. cta-link unknown
%adgroup% The referring page adgroup determined by utm_adgroup. ppc-1 unknown
%search_term% The referring page search term passed by various search engines. Best Fish Oil unknown
%gclid% The referring page gclid passed by Google Ads. lorem-1234 unknown
%post_id% The referring page post ID. 17 unknown
%post_title% The referring page post title. the-best-fish-oil-of-2020 unknown
%post_name% The referring page post name (slug). best-fish-oil unknown

Bug Reports

If you discover a bug in Redirection Variables, please open an issue.


Contributing whether it be through PRs, reporting an issue, or suggesting an idea is encouraged and appreciated.


Redirection Variables is provided under the MIT License.