
pytest plugins used by LogPass

Primary LanguagePython

LogPass pytest plugins

A few pytest plugins used by LogPass.


To use logpass_pytest_plugins install it with your package manager, e.g. via pip:

pip install logpass_pytest_plugins

To install plugin with all its dependencies use one of following extras:

  • auto_pytest_factoryboy
  • channels
  • rest_framework

For instance, to install channels and rest_framework plugins with all dependencies:

pip install logpass_pytest_plugins[channels,rest_framework]

And finally add plugin import path to pytest_plugins in your root conftest.py file, e.g. to use channels and rest_framework plugins:

# root `conftest.py`
pytest_plugins = (

Available plugins

NOTE: None plugin is not used by default - you need to enable them via pytest_plugins


Plugin that automatically registers factory_boy factories to pytest-factoryboy, so factories and models instances will be available as pytest fixtures.


Following INI options can be used to configure auto_pytest_factoryboy plugin:

  • auto_pytest_factoryboy_root_dir - directory where factories declarations searching starts (defaults to . - pytest config path)
  • auto_pytest_factoryboy_globs - list of glob patterns used to find files with factoryboy factories declarations starting from the auto_pytest_factoryboy_root_dir directory (defaults to **/factories*.py)


Plugin that simplifies channels consumers testing by providing following fixtures:

  • websocket_commmunicator_factory - factory of WebSocketCommunicator instances, that will automatically disconnect at the end of a test. Using this fixture also automatically flush all used channel layers
  • http_commmunicator_factory - factory of HttpCommunicator instances. Using this fixture also automatically flush all used channel layers


Plugin that simplifies flask views and other components testing by providing following fixtures:

  • flask_app - Flask app instance
  • client - FlaskClient instance to use in tests

Following INI options can be used to configure flask plugin:

  • FLASK_SETTINGS_MODULE - import path to settings module when using flask's config from object. Overrides FLASK_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
  • FLASK_APP - import path to flask app factory or flask app instance. Overrides FLASK_APP environment variable.

To use flask plugin you need to do one of following:

  • set FLASK_APP INI option
  • set FLASK_APP environment variable
  • define flask_app function-scoped fixture in root conftest.py


Plugin that simplifies rest_framework views and other components testing by providing following fixtures:

  • api_rf - APIRequestFactory instance
  • api_client - APIClient instance