NOTE: to conduct test faster, these accounts have passwords that does not meet the requirements, however when signing up for a new account, the requirements are still applied.

-For customer role: -username: user1 -password: 123

  • For Vendor role: -username: applestore -password: 123

    -username: jendecee -password: 123

  • For shipper role: -username : shipper1 (distribution hub: Ho Chi Minh) -password: 123

    -username: shipper2 (distribution hub: Hanoi)
    -password: 123
    -username: shipper3 (distribution hub: Da Nang)
    -password; 123


  • When start running the file, please be aware that your current directory should be at 'full_stack_application'
  • Run npm install (sometimes the sass package occurs an error when install, run npm uninstall sass, try install sass again npm install sass)
  • To run the website, run nodemon index.js or npm start inside the terminal
  • Sometimes the website takes a huge amount of time to load, to fix this, type in the url localhost:3000/logout and try to log in again.
  • When logging into the website, there might be 2 errors: the localhost redirected too many times, after successful login (it will have no pop-up alert) the browser is still at the login page; to fix this, try clearing the cookie and log in again or log out by localhost:3000/logout and log in again, or just go back and log in again without reloading