
Image Pre-processing before being fed into a 3D Convolutional Neural Network

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Kaggle Image Preprocessing for Lung Cancer Detection

Image Pre-processing before being fed into a 3D Convolutional Neural Network

Importing the libraries needed for the preprocessing.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pydicom
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import math

Giving paths to the data directories that imput the DICOM images.

dataDirectory = 'stage1/stage1/'
lungPatients = os.listdir(dataDirectory)

Reads the CSV values to get true values of a patient.

labels = pd.read_csv('labels/labels.csv', index_col=0)

Setting x times y size to 50 and setting the z-dimension to 20 slices.

size = 50
NoSlices = 20
def chunks(l, n):
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(l), n):
        if (count < NoSlices):
            yield l[i:i + n]
            count = count + 1

def mean(l):
    return sum(l) / len(l)

The data processing function

def dataProcessing(patient, labels_df, size=50, noslices=20, visualize=False):
    label = labels_df.get_value(patient, 'cancer')
    path = dataDirectory + patient
    slices = [pydicom.read_file(path + '/' + s) for s in os.listdir(path)]
    slices.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))

    new_slices = []
    slices = [cv2.resize(np.array(each_slice.pixel_array), (size, size)) for each_slice in slices]

    chunk_sizes = math.floor(len(slices) / noslices)
    for slice_chunk in chunks(slices, chunk_sizes):
        slice_chunk = list(map(mean, zip(*slice_chunk)))

    if label == 1:
        label = np.array([0, 1])
    elif label == 0:
        label = np.array([1, 0])
    return np.array(new_slices), label

imageData = []
for num, patient in enumerate(lungPatients):
    if num % 100 == 0:
        print('Saved -', num)
        img_data, label = dataProcessing(patient, labels, size=size, noslices=NoSlices)
        imageData.append([img_data, label,patient])
    except KeyError as e:
        print('Data is unlabeled')

Saving the values to a .npy numpy file

np.save('imageData-{}-{}-{}.npy'.format(size, size, NoSlices), imageData)