Auckland Elections
A website that pulls Generation Zero Auckland Elections candidate score data and displays each candidate as a card
See live site here
This is a React website Which uses ECMAScript 2016
The transpiling & SCSS compiling is handled by Webpack which also autoprefixes css vendor prefixes
Candidate Score Data
It pulls the candidate data straight from a Google Spreadsheet this allows live data updates by non-technical people
Ward & Board Lookup
- When an address is entered it queries Google GeoCode API to get latitude and longitude values.
- It then queries a Koordindate API to find Ward Locations as well as Local Board Locations
- It then filters the Candidate data by your Ward & Local Board result
This is a custom design care of a Generation Zero, but uses some Material Design Components
It is a desktop & mobile friendly website which will dynamically reconfigure when you're screen is less than 1000px
Continuous Deployment & Hosting
Deployment is handled by Travis This site is hosted on Amazon S3
Deployment process
- Push code to master branch
- Travis builds the code
- Travis deploys the code and images to S3
- Done
npm install
npm start
npm run build