Due September 23, 2022
The purpose of this small programming project is to ensure that we are familiar with creating branches, opening pull requests, dealing with merge issues, and reviewing each others' work.
This application was created with the following language and module versions:
- Python 3.10.7
This program provides a series of functions that are helpful for file preprocessing and file analysis.
The functions created are as follows:
- Read a file and convert its contents into a string.
- Preprocessor to remove puncuation and capitalization from a body of text.
- Word counter to return the number of words in the preprocessed string.
- Sorter function to sort words in a body of text alphabetically.
- Randomizer that can that scramble words randomly in a body of text.
The following functions are used for testing purposes.
Arguments : a String containing the name of the txt file you wish to read. Outputs: A string containing the passage with scrambled words.
Uses txt_read() and scrambles the words in the output
Arguments : a String containing the name of the txt file you wish to read. Outputs: A string containing the wors of the txt file.
Reads a .txt and returns following data as a string.