
for 2019 wider face recognition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


WIDER Person Search Challenge

  • arcface: tools for face feature embedding. (mxnet)
  • data: Folder to save images for ReID features extraction
  • featrues: Folder to save features of face & ReID.
  • mtcnn: tools for face detection. (mxnet)
  • reid: tools for global ReID feature embedding. (pytorch)
  • utils: some utilities.
  • crop.py: make images for ReID features extraction from original dataset -> ./data
  • eval.py: tools for evaluation.
  • face_det_em.py: face detection & face feature embedding. (validation or test)
  • wider_extract.py: global ReID feature embedding. (validation and test)
  • rank.py: get the final result. (validation or test)

Environment & Dependency

  • Python 3.+
  • opencv-python: pip3 install opencv-python
  • mxnet: pip3 install mxnet-cu80
  • pytorch: pip3 install torch torchvision visdom
  • numpy, scipy, sklearn, skimage: pip3 install numpy scipy scikit-learn scikit-image

Prepare Train models


Put the pre-trained face model LResNet50E-IR@BaiduNetdisk in ./arcface/model/ and unzip it. Folder structure is like:

|- arcface
    |- model
        |- model-r50-am-lfw-0000.params
        |- model-r50-am-lfw-symbol.json


Put the pre-trained ReID model ResNet-101@BaiduNetdisk, DenseNet-121@BaiduNetdisk, SEResNet-101@BaiduNetdisk and SEResNeXt-101@BaiduNetdisk in ./reid/models/trained_model/. Folder structure is like:

|- reid
    |- models
        |- trained_models
            |- resnet101_best_model.pth.tar
            |- densenet121_best_model.pth.tar
            |- seresnet101_best_model.pth.tar
            |- seresnext101_best_model.pth.tar

Feature extraction

Face detection & face featrue embedding

  1. modify lines 13~14 of face_det_em.py to your own data path, for example:
trainval_root = '/data2/xieqk/wider/person_search_trainval'
test_root = '/data2/xieqk/wider/person_search_test'

Folder structure is like:

|- wider
    |- person_search_trainval
        |- train
            |- tt0048545
        |- val
            |- tt0056923
        |- train.json
        |- val.json
    |- person_search_test
        |- test
            |- tt0038650
        |- test.json
  1. Face detection and face feature extraction (Default gpu_id = 0)
# validation set detection & embedding, output: ./features/face_em_val.pkl
python face_det_em.py

# test set detection & embedding, output: ./features/face_em_test.pkl
python face_det_em.py --is-test 1

# change gpu devices: 
# python face_det_em.py --gpu 2

ReID feature extraction

  1. Data preparation: crop out all the images of the candidates and name them with their id.

modify lines 6~7 of crop.py to your own data path, for example:

trainval_root = '/data2/xieqk/wider/person_search_trainval'
test_root = '/data2/xieqk/wider/person_search_test'

then run:

python crop.py  # the result is in ./data/wider_exfeat/val & ./data/wider_exfeat/test
  1. feature embedding, run:
# use ResNet-101
python wider_extract.py -a resnet101
# use DenseNet-121
python wider_extract.py -a densenet121
# use SEResNet-101
python wider_extract.py -a seresnet101
# use SEResNeXt-101
python wider_extract.py -a seresnext101

# change gpu devices
# python wider_extract.py -a resnet101 --gpu 1

Get the final rank list

After getting all face and ReID features, that means:

|- features
    |- face_em_test.pkl     # face features (test set)
    |- face_em_val.pkl      # face features (validation set)
    |- reid_em_test_densenet121.pkl     # DenseNet-121 ReID features (test set)
    |- reid_em_test_resnet101.pkl       # ResNet-101 ReID features (test set)
    |- reid_em_test_seresnet101.pkl     # SEResNet-101 ReID features (test set)
    |- reid_em_test_seresnext101.pkl    # SEResNeXt-101 ReID features (test set)
    |- reid_em_val_densenet121.pkl      # DenseNet-121 ReID features (validation set)
    |- reid_em_val_resnet101.pkl        # ResNet-101 ReID features (validation set)
    |- reid_em_val_seresnet101.pkl      # SEResNet-101 ReID features (validation set)
    |- reid_em_val_seresnext101.pkl     # SEResNeXt-101 ReID features (validation set)

just run:

# get final rank in validation set & evaluation
python rank.py      # with fusion features

# or
# choices = ['resnet101', 'densenet121', 'seresnet101', 'seresnext101']
# python rank.py -a resnet101     # with ResNet-101 features

# get final rank in test set
python rank.py --is-test 1

The output is ./val_rank.txt or ./test_rank.txt.


ReID Features mAP (%, validation set) mAP (%, test set)
Resnet-101 0.6819 -
DenseNet-121 0.6831 -
SEResNet-101 0.6972 -
SEResNeXt-101 0.7007 -
SEResNeXt-101+ResNet-101 0.7081 -
SEResNeXt-101+ResNet-101+DenseNet-121 0.7009 -
Resnet-101+DenseNet-121+SEResNet-101+SEResNeXt-101 0.7132 -


[1] Zhang, Kaipeng, Zhanpeng Zhang, Zhifeng Li, and Yu Qiao. "Joint face detection and alignment using multitask cascaded convolutional networks." IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23, no. 10 (2016): 1499-1503.

[2] Deng, Jiankang, Jia Guo, and Stefanos Zafeiriou. "Arcface: Additive angular margin loss for deep face recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07698 (2018).

[3] Hermans, Alexander, Lucas Beyer, and Bastian Leibe. "In defense of the triplet loss for person re-identification." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.07737 (2017).

[4] Szegedy, Christian, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jon Shlens, and Zbigniew Wojna. "Rethinking the inception architecture for computer vision." In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 2818-2826. 2016.

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