
Back-end application utilizing multiple entertainment industry APIs, i.e. Spotify, with Axios.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This application takes multiple inputs in the command-line:

  • concert-this [band]
  • spotify-this-song [song]
  • movie-this [movie]
  • do-what-it-says

Thie application uses multiple packages:

  • axios: ^0.19.2,
  • dotenv: ^8.2.0,
  • file-system: ^2.2.2,
  • moment: ^2.24.0,
  • node-spotify-api: ^1.1.1


Command-Line Input: node liriBot.js [command] [song/album/artist/do-what-it-says]

Example command line input: node liriBot.js spotify Gives you Hell

This will give you detailed information about the movie, song, artists of your choice.


Information is displayed as such:

Spotify This:

  • Artist(s)
  • The song's name
  • A preview link of the song from Spotify
  • The album that the song is from

Movie This:

  • Title of the movie.
  • Year the movie came out.
  • IMDB Rating of the movie.
  • Rotten Tomatoes Rating of the movie.
  • Country where the movie was produced.
  • Language of the movie.
  • Plot of the movie.
  • Actors in the movie.

Concert This:

  • Name of the venue
  • Venue location
  • Date of the Event

Coded by Logan Moss