COPYRIGHT and RESTRICTED USE TO: smokescreenveil. Current.

The timeline is in knight / barbarian times. Gothic times. The sword / axe / armor reign.
There are kings, queens, angels, demons.

On the positive scale, there are Ranked Life-Forms in terms of Asension, spiritual perfection.
And then there are those amassing power.

To level up.... we train str, dex and int. from activities. They all relate to an overall Power Level to conquer resistance.

As we meditate more, train more level up our power level throug the trifecta of str, dex and int... We can access more in the game reality.

We access higher dimensions as we perfect our being and amass power through our power level.

Without spiritual ascension to perfect onself, one might develop the power to Turn into a demon. So rank and power levels can go hand in hand.

Evil is possible, as godo is possible. We can be either. Will we become evil? :)

It is idealized that a perfecting being would Go on noble quests... to Cleanse the land of demons. The evil ones. Some may kill them, some may try to rehabilitate them.

It all the players choice how he handles the demons togain angelic repute and honor among heaven. And ascend through valiant questing.

There are religious ceremonial dungeons where demons go who rebel against heaven and the Noble Order. Each dungeon is where the Saints have entrusted lessons to be learned. Virtues.

And if we finish these dungeons, we should have a concept of the virtues. Demons tend to make lairs in these dungeons, and spread across the land their demonic forces, Opening portals to hell.

There are barbarians that grew strong through fighting demons. They are muscle hulks that stalk them in the world. And take them down with barbaric magic and power.

They can become strong and powerful like mighty alpha demon slayers. But they are not like the kingdom knights. You can count on them to overthrow a demonically tainted kingdom though.

The kingdom knights try to reach heaven on earth and ascend in their noble orders to become angels.

COPYRIGHT and RESTRICTED USE TO: smokescreenveil. Current.