
VitalInfo Windows server software

Primary LanguageC#

VitalInfo server for Windows

See vital information about your computer on your N900.

This is the "server" software which sends information about your computer over UDP to a specified IP-address (your N900). To be used with the Nokia N900 display script. It's coded on .NET 4.0 C# and requires Core Audio API.

Data to send:

  • CPU-usage per core
  • Total CPU-usage
  • Total RAM
  • Used RAM
  • Network usage on specified adapter
  • Local and public IP-addresses
  • Volume percent and mute status on default playback device
  • Space left on local disks
  • Now Playing -information

IP resolving

VitalInfo relies on external website to ask public IP from. It needs to be as plain as possible, just containing the IP. The hostname of a website should be inserted under "MyIP Host" without the http://-prefix.

Now Playing -information

Now Playing -information is being read from a text-file and is assumed to be in the following format:

artist -+- title -+- "1" if paused -+- position -+- length

I use foobar2000 with Now Playing Simple-plugin to generate this. Formatting string for Now Playing Simple:

$if(%isplaying%,%artist% -+- %title% -+- %ispaused% -+- %playback_time% -+- %length%)