- 4
#4159 opened by Logxn - 1
- 0
Bot doesn't work
#4326 opened by lujo777 - 2
Bot doesn't work x2
#4327 opened by lujo777 - 8
- 1
Repeat Route is not working
#4291 opened by Experte9 - 2
API Version zu neu?
#4288 opened by Experte9 - 1
API buggt noch immer sehr stark
#4287 opened by Experte9 - 2
There is a pending pokemon. Try latter
#4283 opened by Bence98007 - 2
Fehler nach autom. Update
#4286 opened by Experte9 - 2
"Unbehandelte Außname" nach einigen Stunden
#4284 opened by Experte9 - 1
Not working since yesterday
#4285 opened by jiji3731 - 3
I just buy 3 month key but not works
#4282 opened by Bill56789 - 2
All pokemon escape
#4281 opened by jiji3731 - 1
- 1
how do i dowlad the program? i see the exe file but where do i get the rest of the fies so the .exe file will work? im totally lost
#4279 opened by tamoknhba - 1
Infinite update
#4278 opened by jiji3731 - 1
And still it does not work!!!
#4277 opened by Buckrogers81 - 2
#4271 opened by Bill56789 - 1
Download Bot
#4276 opened by Buckrogers81 - 1
Launch it
#4272 opened by lucasroblin - 1
no pokesstop
#4270 opened by Reyman69 - 1
Missed ''Pokemon'' while using ItemPokeBall
#4269 opened by jamiejvmasta - 5
Key attached to the email
#4266 opened by s1ckayeah - 0
Necrobot Login issue
#4268 opened by Esodux - 1
Bad API key
#4267 opened by Reyman69 - 1
paid hashing service and get error
#4265 opened by Reyman69 - 0
- 0
#4264 opened by samouelo199791 - 4
- 1
- 1
Total item count
#4260 opened by caraoge - 3
Buy API, no code
#4259 opened by Reyman69 - 1
- 1
Spelling issue
#4216 opened by g89u3w4oi34 - 0
can't get the bot to work
#4188 opened by suljo94 - 2
Exception: Newtonsoft.Json
#4178 opened by Tek12345 - 5
F**k ! Not you too !
#4170 opened by mcferson - 3
Check for Force-Updates
#4165 opened - 0
New pogo protos out....
#4166 opened by suljo94 - 1
Trying to manually snipe causes the bot to restart
#4163 opened by suljo94 - 1
#4157 opened by fred410 - 1
The '' Max duplicate pokemons'' funtion issued
#4155 opened by lowfiend - 0
Update loop
#4153 opened by dk1983 - 2
There is no location where pokemon catched
#4143 opened by Mr4Net - 4
Egglist error
#4148 opened by Tr1n0va - 1
Pokelist error
#4147 opened by Tr1n0va - 1
Can't connect
#4145 opened by ko2i4s - 0
[SPAM] Crash, Starting again in 60 seconds...
#4144 opened by Smallinger - 1
sniping doesn´t work correctly
#4141 opened by liebbert