Serverless Jersey example

A basic pet store written with the Jersey framework. The LambdaHandler object is the main entry point for Lambda.

The application can be deployed in an AWS account using the Serverless Application Model. The sam.yaml file in the root folder contains the application definition


To build and install the sample application you will need Maven and the AWS CLI installed on your computer.

In a shell, navigate to the sample's folder and use maven to build a deployable jar.

$ mvn package

This command should generate a serverless-jersey-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the target folder. Now that we have generated the jar file, we can use the AWS CLI to package the template for deployment.

You will need an S3 bucket to store the artifacts for deployment. Once you have created the S3 bucket, run the following command from the sample's folder:

$ aws cloudformation package --template-file sam.yaml --output-template-file output-sam.yaml --s3-bucket <YOUR S3 BUCKET NAME>
Uploading to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  6464692 / 6464692.0  (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file output-sam.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /your/path/output-sam.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>

As the command output suggests, you can now use the cli to deploy the application. Choose a stack name and run the aws cloudformation deploy command from the output of the package command.

$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output-sam.yaml --stack-name ServerlessJerseySample --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Once the application is deployed, you can describe the stack to show the API endpoint that was created. The endpoint should be the JerseyPetStoreApi key of the Outputs property:

$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ServerlessJerseySample
    "Stacks": [
            "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:xxxxxxxx:stack/JerseySample/xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx", 
            "Description": "Example Pet Store API written in jersey with the aws-serverless-java-container library", 
            "Tags": [], 
            "Outputs": [
                    "Description": "URL for application", 
                    "OutputKey": "JerseyPetStoreApi", 
                    "OutputValue": ""
            "CreationTime": "2016-12-13T22:59:31.552Z", 
            "Capabilities": [
            "StackName": "JerseySample", 
            "NotificationARNs": [], 
            "StackStatus": "UPDATE_COMPLETE"

Copy the OutputValue into a browser to test a first request.