
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project structure


Source =)


Images/Fonts/Other media stuff.


Shared components folder.

  • DataBox wrap in this component any received data. It represents loading(spinloader animation), error and empty statuses (examaple in src/pages/News.vue).
  • UiImgLoader - img tag wrapper. Shows image loading(pulseloader animation) status and animate onloading as option.
  • UiModal - simple modal window.
  • PulseLoading and SpinnerWave - loading animation.
  • UiUploadMulti and UiUploadSingle - file upload example components.
  • ...


App config files. Each category in separate file.


  • Handy debounce directive


Base app layout components.

  • Header, Footer components and main layout wrapper.


  • One method/prop per file principle.
  • Name files same as method/prop.
  • currentUser - Includes current user object from store. Global.
  • formatDateTime - Datetime moment formatters. Global.
  • jumpTo - Help jump to some DOM element. Global.
  • prepareFetchParamsMixin - Prepare params for data fetching (examaple in src/pages/News.vue).
  • prepareQueryParamsMixin - Prepare params for setting it in URL (examaple in src/pages/News.vue).
  • setModelMixin - Use to set same fields from response that declared in front-end model.


Page wrapper components(Pages) and Local components.


  • globalEventBus - $bus.


Router instance and routing declaration.

  • index - router initialization.
  • routes - routing.
  • middlewares:
    • initCurrentUserStateMiddleware - Current user state initialization (each time app loads, check refresh token and fetch current user if token exist.)
    • checkAccessMiddleware - Each time user change route, check permissions to route.
    • setPageTitleMiddleware - Each time user change route, set page title.
  • util:
    • routePropResolver - Pass params from URL to component as props (example in src/router/routes.js)


Style files(partials, variables, mixins, reset).


Data access layer/API calls.

  • ES6 API calls classes.
  • API calls must be represented in separate classes (not in vuex action).
  • auth.service - Auth methods and API calls.
  • http.init - Http request class.
  • util:
    • ResponseWrapper - Represent response object.
    • ErrorWrapper - Represent error object.
    • clearData - Uses to clear request data before send it. Helper.


App store with separate modules.


Environment variables (add this to git ignore).


Root app initialization file.

How to declare global SCSS variables/mixins etc... ?

In /build/utils.js >> generateLoaders('sass')


What about debounce ?

import debounce from '../directives/debounce'
directives: {

And use it in a template.

<input type="text" v-model="name" v-debounce="500" @debounce-change="runSomeMethod">


Just make mutation

commit('dom/TOAST', { message: 'hello', duration: 2000, type: 'success' })


Set up yours svg icons in src/components/icons/ folder. Modify UiIconBase.vue related to yours newly added icons and use it in template.

<UiIconBase size="40" color="yellow" icon="write"/>

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

sudo npm update --depth 5 @babel/preset-env

sudo npm update --depth 5 @babel/compat-data# vue-structure

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve

# build for production with minification
npm run build

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

Add a line at the bottom


Then save and exit!

sudo sysctl -p