
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Technical test from [APPLICANT NAME] for [COMPANY NAME]

Thanks for reviewing this code!

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies

npm ci

Then you can run the project either in dev mode or production mode

# dev mode
npm run dev

# production mode
npm run build && npm run start

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Code architecture

To be written

Tests, typecheck and linters

To run jest tests

npm run test
# or
npm run test:watch

You can also via CLI test the TypeScript compliance:

npm run typecheck

Both ESLint & Prettier are setup in this project.

To lint the files just run

npm run lint

You can also fix improper code style syntax before linting doing

npm run lint:fix

Visual Code Studio integration

For Visual Code Studio users, the project comes with a workspace setting in order to format on save following Prettier and ESLint rules.

To do so, you need to install the following extension to your Visual Code Studio:

Possible iterations

To be written

Technical stack

This project has been bootstraped with LoicGoyet/hiring-test-boilerplate.

Main technologies


Reviewee Guide

This section covers points to acknowledge when you use this project to deliver a technical test. If you are a reviewer, you can skip this part, tho it might give hints on configuration and workflows.

All the following instructions take for granted that you installed the dependencies first. See "Reviewer Guide > Getting Started" for more informations.

Getting started

  1. run gh repo clone LoicGoyet/hiring-test-boilerplate project-name
  2. run cd project-name
  3. commit an update of the NEXT_PUBLIC_COMPANY_NAME/NEXT_PUBLIC_APPLICANT_NAME environnement variables and this README.md title
  4. run git reset $(git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -m "bootstrap project")
  5. run git remote set-url origin https://github.com/LoicGoyet/project-name.git
  6. run git push -u origin main
  7. run npm ci && npm run dev

Before sending

  1. Remove the "## Reviewee Guide" section
  2. Eventually complete the "## Technical stack" section
  3. Complete the "## Code architecture" section
  4. Complete the "## Possible iterations" section


This project uses Next.js 12.1.0 and React 18.0.0 release candidate 0. Check out Next.js documentation for every features available.

If you want to rollback to a stable version of React:

npm install --save --save-exact react@17.0.2 react-dom@17.0.2

Then within next.config.js remove the experimental attribute.