- 0
No scheduled tasks after script execution
#148 opened by Sifaly - 1
OU Legacy & GPO appliquées
#143 opened by freud44 - 1
Prefix OU structure with HAD
#142 opened by jmthia - 12
GPO Login_Restrictions pour T0,T1 & T2 vides
#141 opened by freud44 - 1
HAD-DCLocaltor-Configuration not linked
#139 opened by davidm40 - 1
L-S-LocalAdmins_%computername% is created for DC in _Administration/GroupsT1/localAdmins OU
#138 opened by jmthia - 5
- 2
HAD-Reset-KRBTGT-Password not imported
#132 opened by Math6768 - 2
GPO - Local Admin working partially on 2012 DC
#126 opened by lmeot-syn - 1
HAD-WebProxyAutoDiscovery-Disabled and Windows 11 : all networks cards disabled
#125 opened by Math6768 - 2
- 11
Erreur dans la GPO HAD-LoginRestrictions-Paw
#124 opened by jmarc84Amu - 9
Apres modification des noms des OU et des comptes
#121 opened by elisee1282 - 2
- 2
Automatic language selection
#105 opened by davidm40 - 3
HAD-DC-Allow-Computer-Account-ReUse sid accounts
#101 opened by livarkhal - 5
- 1
Format-XMLData error
#116 opened by jq-yeraz - 3
L-S_LocalAdmins_%ComputerName% group creation
#94 opened by livarkhal - 2
scheduled task not présent
#118 opened by jmthia - 2
Changements nom des OUs
#114 opened by freud44 - 21
GPO --> Error 4098, 8198
#113 opened by GRPDAN01 - 3
Error importing few GPOs
#111 opened by freud44 - 3
wellKnownID absents du fichier TaskSequence_HardenAD.xml sur la version QuickFix
#107 opened by davidm40 - 1
Create and join computer issue
#110 opened by livarkhal - 1
PAW connections
#109 opened by livarkhal - 0
- 0
FormatXML-Data n'est pas reconnu
#102 opened by davidm40 - 2
- 3
WMI Filter : Windows-x64-NoDC.mof
#92 opened by gherubel - 3
- 6
- 2
Error during script execution
#89 opened by MaximePadre - 4
- 5
tout est disable
#90 opened by jerome-taristas - 2
- 1
Unable to deploy Harden AD in stable version 2.9.7
#86 opened by Aynqua - 0
Adding Manager to Root EA Group isn't working.
#62 opened by k1dvh - 1
Task sequence 160 Enable=No but seems executed
#82 opened by Math6768 - 2
- 2
An error occurred while generating report: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length
#70 opened by kaismbarki - 6
- 7
Start-HardenADLocalGroups : config.xml issue
#64 opened by LoicVeirman - 3
- 2
Domain controllers -> T0 ?
#66 opened by Joffrey54 - 2
GPO Groups T0 T12 Location
#67 opened by paracetamol32 - 7
No Action when running HardenAD.PS1
#68 opened by ssaad82 - 1
Keepass File \Outputs\HardenAD.kdbx not found
#63 opened by bro566 - 3
Windows_Server_Only wmi filter issue
#53 opened by mouhamadsalao - 1
BitLocker issue
#56 opened by k1dvh