
🛠 A best tool for discord bots.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

npm npm

Need help? Contact me on Discord.


npm i --save discord-tool
yarn add discord-tool


const { AntiCrash } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { AntiCrash } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

new AntiCrash(client /* Discord.Client */);

// Tips:
You can use this to prevent your bot from crashing. In short, the bot does not shut down when it gives an error.

Message Deleter

const { DeleteMessage } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { DeleteMessage } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

await channel.send('dpr').then(msg => DeleteMessage(message /* Discord.Message */, 4000));

Advanced Message Finder

const { MessageFinder } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { MessageFinder } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

await MessageFinder(message /* Discord.Message */, 'content', { limit: 10, caseSensitive: true, include: true });

// Tips:
if include is false, it will return the message that doesn't include the content.
if caseSensitive is false, it will return the message that doesn't include the content with case insensitive.

Get User Flags

const { GetFlags } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { GetFlags } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

GetFlags(message.author.flags /* Discord.UserFlagsBitField | null */);

// Output: [ 'HypeSquadOnlineHouse3', 'ActiveDeveloper' ]


const { Random } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { Random } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

Random.number(1 /* Min */, 10 /* Max */); // Output: 5
Random.array(['l', 'o', 'i', 'r', 'e', 'n']); // Output: 'i'

Match Emojis

const { MatchEmojis } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { MatchEmojis } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

MatchEmojis('developed by loiren 👍 <a:nice_emoji:1171093533831200798>'); // Output: ['👍', '<a:nice_emoji:1171093533831200798>']

Check URL Validity

const { CheckURL } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { CheckURL } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

CheckURL('https://loiren.now.sh'); // Output: true
CheckURL('loiren'); // Output: false

Check Invite URL Validity

const { CheckInvite } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { CheckInvite } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

CheckInvite('https://discord.gg/partnerbot'); // Output: true
CheckInvite('https://loiren.now.sh'); // Output: false


const { Colors } = require('discord-tool'); // CJS
import { Colors } from 'discord-tool'; // ESM

Colors.Blank // This is a blank color.

Developed with 💙 by Loiren

This package was developed 1 year ago.