
best-libft is a sorted and enhanced libft (containing 172 functions with recreated libc functions) useful for 42 projects.

Primary LanguageC

🧰 best-libft 📚

platform: osx 10.14.x language: c 42 login: lduplain

best-libft is a sorted and enhanced libft (containing 172 functions with recreated libc functions) useful for 42 projects. Containing: libft, gnl, printf and much more.
It's easy to use, created by Loïs Duplain. (42login: lduplain, 42mail: lduplain@student.42lyon.fr)


Clone it in your project like this:

└── my_project/
    ├── best-libft/
    └── sources/
        ├── another_file.c
        ├── again.c
        └── main.c  

How to clone best-libft ?

git clone https://github.com/LoisDuplain/best-libft.git

The lib is sorted in multi folders. If you wan't to get it in one folder called "libft" execute that command in best-libft folder:

make export

You now have a libft folder with all headers, source files and a valid Makefile directly in your project folder.

If you wan't to modify the target folder for export, let modify the TARGET variable in "best-libft/scripts/export.sh".


You can now include "libft.h" in your C files like this:

#include "libft.h"

int     main(void)
    return (0);

You can find description usage for every functions in the headers.


Evryone can contribute to best-libft. Just send me a mail, i will add you to contributors.


Loïs Duplain (lduplain) © 2020