This public project based on GARnie app on Play store:
Project made on Unity 2019.2.17f1
You can use the Unity project(/GARnieUnity) or use unity package(/Packages/GARnie_4_43_Public) which contains the project
You can also add /Packages/Trilib_1_9_GARnie_Public if you bought Trilib plugin
This package allows to use GARnie project with Trilib
About Trilib , it's a very good plugin to import and export 3d contents at runtime
Link :
To use on Android , you need to switch platform "Android"
App works on Orientation: "Landscape Left"
The scene to use project is in /GARnie_Package/Scenes/GARnie
You can add your own 3d models and buttons
To add 3d models, put his game object in a "Container" Prefab . The path of this prefab is /GARnie_Package/Prefabs
Then add "Container" in "ModelsToTrackChildChild" in the scene hierarchy
To add button linked with this model, you can use "ModelBtnTmPro" in /GARnie_Package/Prefabs
Then add this prefab in "ModelToTrackButtonsChild" in the scene hierarchy
Finally go to on "SceneAssetCtrl" in the scene hierarchy and add model and button in "model Assets" and "model Buttons"
It's important to use the same index for model and button to get the good connection when tap in a button
Now you can play on editor or Android to use app
About markeless tracking, it uses VoidAR solution:
You will find in the project /VOIDAR_v1.0_Beta4_Package to use it
You can test GARnie app firstly to see if this solution is compatible with you smartphone. Normally the compatibility is better than with Arcore Library
For example it works with my Lenovo Phab 2 Pro(published in 2016) which used Tango but is not compatible with Arcore solution
About permission, if you want to do video capture: you need to add storage and microphone permission in option of the app on your smartphone
And if you bought Trilib plugin and import in the project, you can then import /Packages/import Trilib_1_9_GARnie_Public to use Trilib with GARnie project
To do that, you just need to add in GARnie scene "TrilibCtrl" prefab which is in /TrilibGARnie_Package/Prefabs
Finally you need to add 2 tag name manually on the project: "fileName" and "texture"
You can now play on editor or Android