Estimation of IUCN classification of species using a consensus of machine and deep learning techniques


Machine learning

Evaluate performance of missForest to fill out mission values in your data, and run the missForest Evaluate performance of the machine learning model Estimate missing IUCN status of species based on consensus of 200 machine learning algorithms

Deep learning


This repository is structured as follow:

  • 📁  data/: contains all data required to reproduce analyses and figures

  • 📁  R/: contains R functions developed especially for this project

  • 📁  man/: contains documentation of R functions

  • 📁  analysis/: contains R scripts to reproduce all the analyses/figures

  • 📁  outputs/: contains all the results stored in the .Rdata format

  • 📁  figures/: contains all the figures stored in pdf format

  • 📄  make.R: master R script to run the entire project by calling each R script stored in the analysis/ folder


  • All required packages will be installed (if necessary)
  • All required packages and R functions will be loaded
  • Figures will be stored in figures/
  • Prior to run the deep learning part, download the needed libraries using the requirement.txt file


Clone the repository and run this command in R/RStudio:


"adding a line"